Monday, April 30, 2018

How To Get Your Barn Cat To Hunt Mice

On the homestead, there is food everywhere. Chicken coops, goat barns, rabbit pens, compost piles, in the gardens and in the home. Mice can carry disease, eat through food, including cardboard boxes, and even chew through electrical wires. Mice are not fun to have around, really. Laying traps or poison is what a lot of […]

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11 Completely Natural Hair Dyes without Using Harsh Chemicals

I have only ever dyed my hair once, and it was done professionally, only because I did not trust myself in the slightest to be able to do it properly. You often hear horror stories about home hair dyes going wrong and people ending up with bright green hair when they intended on a silvery […]

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Egg Bound Chicken~what it is and how to help

Think you have an egg bound chicken? You will need to act quickly to help save them! Here’s some tips to get that egg to pass! What is an egg bound chicken? A chicken typically starts laying eggs when they are 6 months of age. When a hen lays an egg, it can sometimes be […]

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California’s Tyrannical New Bible Ban

What State Is More Qualified To Become God Than California? There is no longer any doubt, we are living in the midst of a war. It’s not a typical war, where soldiers battle it out, seeking dominance and victory for their country. It’s a cultural war; a multi-front conflict between the traditional values this country […]

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12 Homemade Lotion Bar Recipes to Make Your Skin Heavenly Soft

To be completely honest, I am not the biggest fan of going to a spa. Many women gasp and are taken aback when I admit this to them, as their idea of heaven is a massage followed by a facial and an afternoon in the sauna. I do not share this love, however, and it […]

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When and How to Prune Trees, Shrubs, and Flowers Correctly

Pruning is important because helps your plants growth and their overall health. What if you are new to gardening and this is one skill you haven’t picked up on yet and are afraid of killing your garden while you learn? Well, you aren’t alone. I avoided pruning for many years for the same reason. I’ve […]

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How To Host A Canning Party-Preserve Food With Friends

Getting your garden produce can sometimes be a chore. There’s food to clean, chop and prepare, jars to wash, canners to fill with water and processing time to get down. Hosting a canning party can make this a fun time for all. Why host a canning party? A canning party is great for beginners. If […]

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Amish Farmer Jailed For Selling Herbs

This jailed amish farmer turned “natural healer” is facing six years in prison for selling herbs. An Amish farmer jailed for selling herbs has recently lost his appeal in a case in which he challenged the government’s ability to prosecute him on charges of not cooperating with government officials while he was being investigated for […]

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31 Unique DIY Headboard Ideas To Turn Your Bed Into a Masterpiece

I have had beds both with and without headboards in my time, and those with were my favorites without a doubt. Having a headboard on your bed, be it a classic iron frame, a cushioned one or something more unique, transforms your bed from a simple mattress to sleep on, into a beautiful piece of […]

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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Grape Hyacinth-How To Forage For, Grow Yourself, and USE

Learning to forage for your food is perfect for keeping your reliance off of others and on yourself. In the Spring and Summer, you will find a lot of edible plants, flowers, and roots to stock your own pantry with. The best part is that you can even plant some of these yourself, and have […]

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9 DIY Fabric Softeners to Make Your Laundry Feel Like a Heavenly Cloud

No matter how many years it is since I moved away from home, I still haven't quite gotten the knack of doing my laundry as well as mom does. Despite checking the labels and adjusting temperatures accordingly, I rarely manage to avoid either shrinking or changing the color of something. Another thing I haven't mastered, […]

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Keyhole Garden: Why You Should Build a Keyhole Bed and How to Do It

Do you remember those old-fashioned keys, nearly half a foot long, some so intricate they looked like works of art? The receiving side of the lock called to mind the outline of an angel. When you put the key inside and turned, everything would click into place, and magical doors would open (or at least […]

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The Best Vegan Black Bean Burger Recipe

Ah, the wonders of the black bean. Full of 15 grams of protein, 15 grams of fiber with few calories and fat. Who knew this little bean had so many wonderful attributes? [source] Yet, in my home, it has magical powers as well. It can make my kids disappear faster than you can say, “Dinner’s […]

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How To Build A Vertical Vegetable Garden

Have you ever thought about vertical gardening. If you don’t have a lot of space for your garden vertical gardening may be the perfect solution for you. Tomatoes, pole beans, and cucumbers are all perfect plants for vertical gardening. You can use vertical gardening to produce huge crops of pole beans and cucumbers. As well […]

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Who’s Really Behind The Hogg Anti-Gun Book?

Who really paid to publish new Hitler style anti-gun propaganda? Move over George Soros, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg might have found a sneaky way to spread anti-gun propaganda and raise funds for his own gun-control crusade. The media billionaire might be responsible for a book deal given to two survivors of the […]

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8 Best Circular Saw Reviews: High Powered Tools for Woodworking Tasks

If you are a professional contractor or a DIY home renovator, a circular saw will help you to complete any type of woodworking project. Whether you need to cut wood for a door frame, roof beams, a new floor, or make rip cuts or beveled angles for furniture, the circular saw is the perfect power […]

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Vegetarian Black Bean Soup With Sweet Potato

I love beans, and I really love black beans. I love them in burgers, and I love this vegetarian black bean soup! Unfortunately, my family doesn’t share my love of the bean, so I don’t get to make this very often. But when I do, lookout! This recipe comes out, and the soup making begins. […]

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How To Make An Espalier Trellis

What is an Espalier? An espalier is a plant that has been trained to grow in a flat plane against a wall, fence, or trellis, though the term has also been used to describe the technique of training a plant to grow this way. The technique was invented by the ancient Romans, and further developed […]

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Self-Reliant Beer Making Basics

True self-reliance means making your own beer! As more and more people try to live a self sufficient lifestyle, they’re turning to producing more of their food at home as their ancestors did before them. Just about every culture has a tradition of brewing, or preserving food or purifying water through fermentation. These days, home […]

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32 Impressive Yet Inexpensive DIY Doormats You’ll Love

Do you get tired of spending a fortune on doormats? If you want something fashionable, you have to give an arm and a leg for it. Even for the basic doormats, you still pay a ton of money, and they don’t last. Before you know it, you’re tossing more money in the trash. Well, I’ve […]

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8 Tips to Make Your Window Box Flourish and 11 Ideas to Inspire You

Is it important for you to have gorgeous window boxes decorating your home each year? In that case, you’ll be interested to know how many ways you can push those window boxes right over the top. There are multiple tips for making your flowers grow better in window boxes, and you have many different options […]

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Saturday, April 28, 2018

Dandelion Infused Shampoo Bar

Are dandelions popping up all over your yard? Don’t spray them, use them! Dandelions are excellent for a beginner forager, because they are easily recognizable. Their bright yellow flower head is known by even the smallest of children. Dandelions have a lot of medicinal properties, such as helping to soothe achy tummies or helping to […]

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DIY Bean Trellis For Any Vegetable Garden

When you have a large garden the DIY project possibilities are almost endless. You can build anything you wish if you have some extra time and some money to invest. So, if you’re looking for a new outdoor project, then this beautiful bean tunnel might be the inspiration you need. The owner of the tunnel […]

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Important Home Defense Reminders

Being prepared for a home invasion could be the difference between life and death. As a home owner, home defense is something you have to always be concerned about. Never forget, the possibility of a burglary or home invasion get increased in hard times. You can’t just assume that you will never become the victim […]

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8 Best Table Saw Reviews: Be Job Ready With a Powerful Woodworking Saw

For any type of woodworking project, you need a table saw. Whether it is ripping long pieces of plywood or hardwood, cutting miter and beveled angles, a table saw is an essential power tool for any professional carpenter or DIY home renovator. The 8 Best Table Saws SKIL 3410-02 10-Inch Table Saw with Folding Stand […]

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How To Make Herb Flavored Butter (Compound Butter)

Growing herbs in the garden is amazing. They really help flavor food and I feel like an expert in the kitchen when I use fresh herbs. There are so many ways you can use fresh herbs for cooking. You can use them in foods directly, making herbal vinegars, and even herb flavored butter. Making a […]

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Learn How This Family Grows 6,000 Lbs of Food On 1/10th Acre and Makes $20,000 A Year

Who would have thought you could find this self-sufficient beauty 15 minutes away from downtown Los Angeles? If you want to grow your own food and make sure that everything you put on the table is 100% healthy and free of any chemicals, take the example of this next L.A. based family. This post originally […]

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Indicting Hillary or President Trump Could Trigger A Second Civil War

Not simply divided, but the United States is highly polarized, angry and bitter. Any attempt to indict either Hillary R. Clinton or President Donald J. Trump on criminal charges might trigger a 21st Century Civil War. The similarities between the era right before the outbreak of the 19th Century Civil War and the present day […]

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Top Ways to Preserve Earth’s Draining Fuel

by Arindam Paul Fossil fuels make up about 85% of the global energy system. However, the ever-increasing demand for energy is putting a lot of strain on these finite energy reserves of our planet. Fossil fuels are non-renewable and are rapidly running their course by the minute. Today, fossil fuels have mostly reached their ‘peak’ […]

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How to Build DIY Window Box Planters on the Budget in 5 Easy Steps

Window boxes are a great way to add décor and curb appeal to your home without a ton of expense. But purchasing window boxes can get expensive. I wanted to put window boxes on the front of my home and also on my chicken coop, but I didn’t have a large budget. Which is why […]

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Annual vs. Perennial vs. Biennial: 3 Plant Types You Should Know

Do you ever find yourself browsing at the nursery only to read labels and not understand what they mean? One of the most challenging items to distinguish is whether a plant is an annual, biennial, or perennial. It’s important to understand the difference between each type of plants. It could be the difference between having […]

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Friday, April 27, 2018

Top Natural Sweeteners & Sugar Alternatives

What are the healthiest natural sweeteners? A comparison of natural sweeteners and sugar alternatives. In the beginning, we didn’t need a lot of sugar. Although carbohydrates are important for energy, we didn’t get them from cookies, candy, and soda. We got our sugars in a natural form-fruits and vegetables. As our diet became more “modern”, […]

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Learn How to Grow Mushrooms – All Thing You Need to Know

Mushrooms are among the most delicious foods and they are also very healthy! But have you ever thought about growing your own mushrooms, to make sure they are organic and free of pesticides? When it comes to growing your own food, the Internet is full of tips and tricks, and this also applies to mushroom […]

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“Backing Up” Your Off-The-Grid Finances

History shows financial meltdowns surprise most people. Do you have an off-the-grid backup plan in place, just in case? Our Financial System is Wobbling One of the most critical systems that almost all of us rely upon is among the most complex and unreliable – the financial system. News reports indicate that the financial networks […]

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Whitetail Woods Tiny Cabins Provide Respite in a Metropolitan Park

Perched above the ground and tucked into the pine trees against a hillside, three matching cabins accommodate guests seeking a relaxing respite from city life. The cabins reside in Whitetail Woods regional park in Minnesota, within the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area. Constructed by county employees and high school students as part of a vocational program, […]

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22 Best Vegetables to Plant in Your Straw Bale Garden

Have you heard of the term ‘straw bale gardening?’ It’s a fantastic gardening method where you get the straw bale to begin to compost. From there, you plant your vegetables within the straw bale, and because they are growing in compost, the plants have a high success rate. It’s also an easier method for growing […]

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12 DIY Hammock Ideas to Elevate Your Napping to a Whole New Level

A recent summer spent traveling around South East Asia sparked my now eternal love for hammocks. The majority of places we stayed had a specified hammock area where we would spend our downtime casually swinging between the trees, enjoying the sun and the ultimate relaxation. I used to be somewhat good at building dens when […]

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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Does This Homesteading Thing Really Matter?

A couple weeks ago I found myself talking to someone who didn’t have the faintest idea what homesteading was. It’s been quite a while since I’ve been around anyone completely unexposed to this lifestyle, which I think is fairly remarkable, considering homesteading was still a fringe concept ten years ago when the notion of chickens […]

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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Peanut Butter Pie Recipe

This weekend was supposed to be pretty laid-back, at least by Winger standards… I was planning to finally clean my neglected house, do a little computer work, and make our favorite peanut butter pie to go with our Slow Cooker Baked Potato Soup for Saturday night supper. And then just like that, it was Sunday […]

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Thursday, April 5, 2018

What We Learned by Having Our Garden Soil Tested

Once again, that familiar lightness is floating in the air. And my brain is bursting with the possibilities of SPRING on the homestead. The birds have started chirping, there’s the faintest green tint to the prairie when you look out across the wide open space, and the air smells alive and fresh after many months […]

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