Thursday, May 31, 2018

New Gun Control Scheme Proposed By Rubio, Graham And Feinstein

Ron Paul sees danger in new gun control scheme. A source inside the US Senate has reported that Republicans and Democrats are teaming up and using the recent tragedy in Texas as the impetus to push through a massive federal gun control bill. In an email Tuesday night, former Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul […]

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DIY Shiplap Kitchen Backsplash

I’m pretty sure I promised the nitty gritty details of my shiplap backsplash to my newsletter peeps about two months ago. Sorry guys. In my defense, I had a good reason for the delay… we actually just got the last of the project completed yesterday. Like less than 24 hours ago. Thank you super rainy […]

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Growing Cranberries: How to Grow, Plant and Harvest Cranberries

When I say cranberries, what comes to mind? Does cranberry sauce come to mind? Thanksgiving? Their beautiful red color? What a great addition they are to your salad? All of these things come to my mind when cranberries are in your thoughts. To say I’m a fan of cranberries is an understatement. I love their […]

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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Federal Government Lost Track of 1,475 Immigrant Children

Immigrant children continue to be caught in the middle of the crisis. The federal government may well be “in over its head” when it comes to actually keeping track of immigrants. A United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) official recently admitted his agency lost track of 1,475 immigrant children. Many of the […]

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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

20 Tips for the Apartment Prepper

by Aaron Green We usually associate preppers as country dwellers, but, actually, city prepping could be even more essential should the need for survival skills really kick in. If you live in an apartment, you probably lack space, but there are many situations you can cater for, should the need ever occur. Indeed, urban dwelling […]

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Best Camping Shower Bags Comparison, Plus Outdoor Shower Tips

Have you ever gone camping and didn't have an outside shower available? Being hot, sticky, covered in bug spray and dirt is no fun when you crawl into a sleeping bag. We've moved to a remote cabin in the woods, and our current living situation is somewhat like glorified camping. No bathroom, no running water, […]

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Geothermal Power Plant In Hawaii Nearing Dangerous Meltdown?

Lava continues to flow towards Hawaii’s PGV geothermal power plant. If lava reaches Hawaii’s PGV geothermal power plant, it could release of deadly hydrogen sulfide gas. That’s the latest potential danger from the Kilauea volcanic eruption in Hawaii. Residents now fear that lava flow will trigger a meltdown at the Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) power […]

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15 Stunning Indoor Vertical Garden Ideas to Brighten Up Any Space

I've found my green fingers in recent years and, although I never thought I would, I've been loving helping my mom in her beautiful garden. Where I am currently living there is no garden, so I've had to work more with inside plants which doesn't bother me too much as it gives me an opportunity […]

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Monday, May 28, 2018

4 Intimidating Non-Lethal Compact Weapons That Will Get You To Safety

Pepper Spray is one of the best non-lethal weapons for self-defense. When the phrase “non-lethal weapons” comes to mind, we typically think of bean bag shells and tasers, but as we’ll see, there’s far more to these kinds of weapons. First of all, a non-lethal weapon is not a supreme alternative to a gun or […]

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Remembering Our Past “According To The Scriptures”

The Myth Of Neutrality – According To The Scriptures The only real to accurately study the past is to do it… according to the scriptures. No history text can be objective or neutral because facts can never interpret themselves. All history books reflect their author’s religious and moral assumptions. The historian collects and chooses his […]

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Sunday, May 27, 2018

Celebrate Memorial Day By Planting An Heirloom Seed “Victory Garden”

The American Victory Garden provided food for many people during hard times. Planting heirloom seeds in your vegetable or “victory garden” could be one of the single best ways to celebrate Memorial Day. Heirloom Seeds are natural seeds harvested from plants descended from those grown by our Colonial and Pioneer ancestors. The difference between Heirloom […]

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Smith Wesson Model 19 Is One Of 5 Classic Guns Your Grandfather Owned

Grandpa’s guns are worth keeping around. Firearms are tools and often represent technological trends, if you think about it. Today’s firearms are lighter, more durable and sometimes more accurate than they were even a generation ago. That does not, however, mean that people ought to mothball older guns, such as the Smith Wesson Model 19, […]

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5 Steps to Creating the Perfect Hugelkultur Garden in Your Backyard

Do you enjoy trying different gardening techniques? Does it interest you how others garden around the world? Well, if either of these scenarios is true for you, you’ll be interested in learning about hügelkultur. Hugelkultur is a gardening technique originated in Germany. It has many benefits, is easy to create, and can help you grow […]

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Saturday, May 26, 2018

The First Memorial Day And Some Other Facts You May Have Missed

The first Memorial Day was celebrated celebrated by former slaves and Union troops. The first Memorial Day isn’t something Americans talk about much. If we knew our history, we’d all know that Memorial Day is far more than an opportunity to fire up the barbecue or get to the lake for the first time.The holiday […]

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Growing Vanilla: How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Vanilla Beans Successfully

Do you like to make your own extracts? After learning how easy it is to do, it’s almost crazy not to make them yourself. But purchasing vanilla beans can be more expensive than buying the vanilla extract from the store. They can also be challenging to find in some supermarkets. However, you can grow your […]

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Real Estate Bubble Kills American Dream Of Home Ownership

The current real estate bubble has kept many home buyers out of the market. Due to the emergence of an ominous real estate bubble, the typical American family no longer makes enough money to pay for the average home. Property prices are so high that the typical household lacks the income to buy most homes. […]

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Friday, May 25, 2018

Lithium Battery Producer Tianqi Lithium Leads Charge To Corner Worldwide Lithium Market

Tianqi Lithium is a renowned lithium battery producer on a worldwide scale. China’s Tianqi Lithium, one of the largest lithium battery producers in the world, has made a bid to purchase 24 percent of SQM, Chile’s largest lithium mining company. Lithium Battery Producer Leads Charge The U.S. and other lithium importers are expected to lobby […]

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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Trump FBI Informant Has Shocking Identity

Bigger Tham Watergate? Trump FBI Informant Stefan Halper Uses Republican Past To Leverage Connections. President Donald J. Trump is surrounded by enemies many of whom are prominent Republicans. It became a shock to many that the Trump FBI informant was a leading Republican foreign policy expert and former presidential advisor. Trumps FBI Informant Has Reagan […]

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Home Made Mosquito Repellant Secrets

Homemade mosquito repellant produced with essential oils means safer summertime activities outdoors. I have always been a target for bugs. I can be with a group of people at an outdoor event and be the only one who goes home with mosquito bites. Whereas flies might just land on others around me, they bite me. […]

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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Simple And Easy Cheese-Making For Beginners

After visiting with a friend, she convinced me to try making my own cheese. Doubting my ability, I asked her if there was a cheese-making for beginners class she could recommend to me. She smiled and said she would be happy to teach me. Think it’s too difficult to make your own cheese? Think again! […]

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Huge Power Grid Threat Drill In Wisconsin

Wisconsin like other states sees the power grid threat as real and is making preparations for a crisis. The Wisconsin National Guard organized a full-scale training drill which simulated a massive power grid threat for over 1,000 utility workers and first responders. The running operation, generally called “Dark Sky,” has been in the works for […]

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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Creating Your Own Off-Grid Security System

Remote cabins require a creative security system approach. Do you need an off-the-grid security system? Your off the grid get-away all set. Whether using wind, solar, or another form of energy, you have successfully removed yourself from the grid. This is a major accomplishment, and you should be proud. But how does one go about […]

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How to Make Living Green a Bit More Fun

by Tracy Plunkett If you try to live green as much as possible, there is no denying that you are making a difference in the world. However, the minor problem with sustainable living is that it can feel like you’re making a lot of sacrifices. After all, you do have to give up certain activities […]

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Summer Solution For Stings and Bites

Wasp stings are acidic which means an alkaline pain solution. Insect bites can be painful. So can stings from many poisonous plants. Now that its summer, its important to have some alternative solutions for stings and bites. Some of this is because their venom or juice is either highly acidic or highly alkaline. For example, […]

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Monday, May 21, 2018

Avocado Benefits Most People Should Know But Haven’t Been Told About

Studies show avocado benefits to be “off the charts” when it comes to healing and fighting off aging. The truth is, this fruit is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Avocado benefits are many. In fact, they are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. They are an excellent source of monounsaturated […]

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Honey Bees Dying? You Can Help By Starting Your Own Hive

We should all be concerned about honey bees dying. Honeybees pollinate more than 100 crops, from apples to zucchini. The world has watched honey bees dying in the millions since 2006. Though there have been news reports concerning this crisis fro the last 12 years, a majority of people still aren’t tuned in to the […]

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Sunday, May 20, 2018

Biblical Worldview: Magic and the All-Powerful Sorcerer State

At the sound of the true name, the powers of the godstood ready to perform the invoker’s bidding.—Kurt Seligmann, Magic, Supernaturalism, and Religion (1948) Biblical Worldview: Exorcism in Jesus’ Name When a biblical worldview is lost, the state moves to replace god. Biblical worldview comes alive in the Book of Acts, we immediately learn of […]

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How to Make Butter In An Emergency

Many families are learning how to make butter as a “just In case” strategy as well as good ole fashion fun. You’re proud and secure in the fact you’ve stored weeks’ or even months’ worth of food for the inevitable collapse. But what happens if the grocery stores don’t reopen, and you’re living indefinitely off […]

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Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Single Biggest Mistake Preppers Often Make

Are you able to survive whatever happens? Survivalists and preppers have a lot of great ideas. While others are ignoring possible signs that our world might be on the brink of significant change, there is a growing community of people who are determined to survive whatever happens. Unfortunately, some of these great ideas are just […]

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The Complete Guide on How to Make a Terrarium (and 4 Ideas to Use)

Are you up for a new miniature adventure? Do you like to observe plants or try to raise plants outside of their typical environment? Well, you could be the perfect candidate for creating and growing your own terrarium. If you’re unfamiliar with the idea of a terrarium, you’re going to love it. I’m a homeschooler […]

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Miracle Drugs No Match For New Super-Gonorrhea

Medical science is struggling to stay ahead of dangerously adaptive viruses and bacteria. With super-gonorrhea set to arrive on American soil, it might be a little early to say “so long” to any of the age-old sexually transmitted diseases. The fact is, air travel and the new strains of super gonorrhea are a great reminder […]

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Friday, May 18, 2018

The Ultimate Way To Season Cast Iron (with flaxseed oil)

Cast iron cookware is awesome! The cookware is easy to care for, and cook food at an even heat. Learn how to season your pans to get that wonderful non stick coating! Cast iron is amazing. No matter what size pan or pot, you can go from meats to desserts with equal ease. Once your […]

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Facebook Users Tricked Into Revealing Personal Data In Weird “Lab Rat” Behavior Experiment

Personal data is being freely given up by Facebook users in many online quizes. Your personal data is being collected through some new tactics and you might be participating in behavioral science experiments without your consent and not even realize it – especially if you take the wrong quizzes online. More than six million Facebook […]

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Building Your Family’s Natural Home Medicine Cabinet

Begin to prepare now by stockpiling time-tested treatments. In a post-collapse survival situation having recourse to your own private, natural home medicine cabinet will be critical. You can begin to prepare now by stockpiling time-tested treatments that will allow you to delay or even avoid a trip to the Doctor. Included in the ailments you […]

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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Practical Ways We Save Time On Our Homestead

Time and I have always had a complicated relationship. There have been seasons of my life with never enough time, seasons where I had too much time, and seasons where time seemed to expand to fit my to-do list perfectly (I like those seasons the best, by the way). Over the years, I’ve received bunches […]

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Don’t Forget To Plant A Backyard “Potato Pharmacy” This Year

It’s easy to grow and harvest potatoes for your backyard potato pharmacy from the soil. Potatoes are one of those basic vegetables that have crossed cultures in the last 400 years, and no wonder! They can be baked, fried, boiled, mashed and mixed with other things. They can be a hearty part of soups and […]

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Preparing Our Raised Beds for Spring Planting

I FEEL SO BEHIND. Except I’m not. At least not yet. Wyoming is horribly deceiving this time of year. We’ve been getting lots of 70+ degree days the last week or two, and I’ve been spending all day outside piddling out in the garden and getting sunburns, which is quite heavenly after a long winter. […]

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How Worms Can Deliver The Very Best Compost You’ve Used

Image source: Vermiculture or vermicomposting is the method of using worms to break down organic matter into useable compost for your garden. This method is catching on throughout the US, and you can often find “worm bins” for composting in your gardening catalogs. To the uninformed, keeping worms in a bin outside or even […]

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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Creamed Chard and Eggs Skillet

There’s nothing that says you can’t eat eggs for every meal, right? Good. Then I’m going for it. This time of year, my motivation to be creative in the kitchen pretty much goes down the drain. (Please tell me I’m not the only one. Right….?) We’ve been outside bunches this week riding the horses, working […]

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19 Unique Uses for Shipping Containers

Shipping container bridge project from Yoav Messer Architects by Cory Levins When you think of shipping containers, you probably imagine large steel boxes that are used to haul large hazardous materials and other cargo from one place to another. While that was their sole use in the past, that is no longer the case. Shipping […]

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Wild Coffee Substitute- Foraging For Cleavers

Most of us can’t grow our own coffee, but we can easily find this wild coffee substitute! Cleavers, Galium aparine, is a fast growing weed that can be found in damp areas and along fence lines. The plant has narrow lance shaped leaves that are very sticky. Cleavers is also sometimes referred to as “nature’s […]

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Top 5 Rules For Pocket Carry

Pocket carry safely and responsibly. Pocket carrying a small pistol has become one of the most popular methods for concealed carry. No one can deny that the firearms industry has recognized this and as a result has put out dozens of small pocket sized pistols to meet this demand. That being said, pocket carry is […]

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New York Governor Depriving Gun Owners of First Amendment Rights

Gun Owners Know Our Country’s Founders Would Turn Over In Their Graves. New York State’s Democratic Governor is depriving gun owners of their First Amendment rights by canceling insurance policies an NRA lawsuit alleged. The suit claims Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered state regulators to prosecute companies that issued insurance to New York gun owners. “Directed […]

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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Simple Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe

Delicious, crispy, and full of garden fresh flavor! These fried green tomatoes are sure to make your mouth water! Are you ready for your ripe, juicy red tomatoes? Did you plant lots of them, in hopes of fresh salads, tomato sauces, and more? Are you just exploding with excitement and anticipation of when those green […]

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A Tomato a Day Keeps You Healthy…and Full!

When you’re living at the mercy of nature, (whose bounty can be very fickle), you need access to smart foods. You’ll want to keep some foods around that are not only nutritious, but that will also make you feel full on a modest portion. If it also happens to ward off a myriad of dread […]

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Fire for Survival Part One: Materials and Ignition

This article is the first in a three-part series detailing fire in a survival situation. Don’t worry, I’m not going to attempt to teach you the tedious and tiresome fire bow and drill method. A simple Google search will probably net you 25 million results on learning how to start a fire from two pieces […]

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Monday, May 14, 2018

The Crossbow: An Alternative Weapon for the Modern Day

A crossbow, resembling something between a rifle and a bow, uses a fast string to launch projectiles—just as a bow does—but also has a stock and trigger like a rifle. Although we don’t know exactly when the crossbow was invented, they were discovered in Chinese graves dating back as early as 2500 B.C. The crossbow […]

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10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Mothers Day

Mothers day is one of the single biggest holidays in the world How will you celebrate Mother’s Day? If you are like many Americans, you will gift your mom with a card and a present and maybe enjoy a meal out with her in a restaurant. According to a recent National Retail Federation (NRF) study, […]

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Sunday, May 13, 2018

When to Water Plants: The Best Time to Water Indoor or Outdoor Garden

Do you enjoy growing a vegetable garden? What about growing beautiful flowers all around your yard? Planting can be time-consuming in the beginning but also rewarding. The trick is making sure you care for your plants well. One of the main parts of caring for plants is knowing how to water them and when to […]

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Righteous Mothers Mean Righteous Cities And Righteous Nations

Righteous mothers are central to the picture of blessing and prosperity. —Nancy Wilson, The Fruit of Her Hands Great cities are commonly called mothers…. —John Wesley on 2 Samuel 20:19 A Mother in Israel Deborah acted as a righteous mother to the covenant people, not a father. Deborah called herself “a mother in Israel” (Judges […]

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How To Run Your Business When The Power Grid Goes Down

With the right technology, it’s possible to run your business when the power grid goes down. A back-up source of electricity has become a must-have resource for all small businesses, entrepreneurs, and freelancers. Smart business people realized if you want a sustained cash flow and life style in troubled times, you’ll have to learn to […]

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Saturday, May 12, 2018

Stuffed Up Already? Try This Early Summer Sinus Solution

Before you run to the pharmacy, try this safe and effective early summer sinus solution. With early summer allergies on the rise, lots of folks are looking for an early summer sinus solution to clear up the sinuses and get breathing again. So once you begin to notice mucus is starting to build up in […]

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Boy Scouts Lose Leading Sponsor Amidst Name Change Controversy

After the Boy Scouts of America (soon-to-be Scouts BSA) decided to change their name to accommodate the admission of girls into their higher ranks starting next year, backlash from sponsors was inevitable. But it’s doubtful they knew such a decision would cost them 425,000 scouts (approximately 18.5% of their total enrollment) from the Mormon Church, […]

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Friday, May 11, 2018

Don’t Kill Those Dandelions! 10 Ways You Can Use Them  

Dandelions are a versatile herb, not a pesky weed that overtakes your property. Dandelions have a terrible reputation for being the pesky weeds that pop up between sidewalk cracks. Homeowners spray them with weed killer, but they have no idea what those yellow flowers have dozens of health benefits. Dandelions are a known edible; the […]

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Thursday, May 10, 2018

Utilizing Passive Solar Energy

Using passive solar energy can save money on heating and cooling bills. By utilizing passive solar energy, our ancestors could use temperate differences to heat and cool their homes. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, right? And it is higher in the summer than in the winter. We know that. […]

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How to Create Sustainable Lasagna Gardening in Only 6 Simple Steps

Are you tired of battling excessive weeds in your garden? Maybe you feel as though gardening is becoming excessively labor intensive for you? What if you want an easier method of gardening all the way around? Well, lasagna gardening could be what you’ve been looking for. I’m going to tell you what lasagna gardening is, […]

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Preparing Our Raised Beds for Spring Planting

I FEEL SO BEHIND. Except I’m not. At least not yet. Wyoming is horribly deceiving this time of year. We’ve been getting lots of 70+ degree days the last week or two, and I’ve been spending all day outside piddling out in the garden and getting sunburns, which is quite heavenly after a long winter. […]

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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

7 Must-Have Herb Plants to Give You a Bug-Free Backyard

After a long spring, there’s nothing better than enjoying the outdoors. We can’t wait to get outside to do yard work, ride bikes, garden, grill out or to enjoy Smores around a campfire. However, it’s not long before the pesky bugs arrive to drive us all crazy! How often have you and your family wanted […]

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Monday, May 7, 2018

This Little House is Absolutely Incredible – and it’s Made From Hemp!

This beautiful little home in Australia, called Skyfarm, was built with hempcrete – a hemp-based bio-composite material. In their search for nontoxic components to use in the construction of their living space, the designers, Michael and Tiffany Leung, chose hemp after researching their options. Hemp is a completely safe building material that boasts countless benefits […]

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Sunday, May 6, 2018

Leaky Gut Can Mean More Than A Stomach Ache

Leaky Gut can cause many serious health concerns Lots of men and women have stomach problems. Of all the issues with your digestive tract, a “leaky gut” may be the most detrimental and difficult to deal with. Some of the reasons for this are poorly understood, but the good news is that in time, conditions […]

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Hydroponics 101: A Getting Started Guide to Gardening without Soil

The term hydroponic gardening sounds familiar, but most people misunderstood it as growing plants on water. While that's not wrong, it's not the complete picture. In reality, this gardening technique simply means you don't grow plants with soil. But you still need other growing mediums. Also, while it sounds new and modern, hydroponics actually come […]

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Saturday, May 5, 2018

Russian Military Spending Less Than Previously Thought

Russia faces tough budget choices as geopolitical ambitions increase. Russian military spending has taken a huge financial hit according to a new study. The report suggests that Russia’s economic troubles have put a dent in Moscow’s aspirations to continue with high defense spending, but the 20 percent figure does require some context to be fully […]

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Use Honey To Heal Summertime Cuts and Scraps

Honey is one of nature’s most miraculous dressings for burns, ulcers, and even open wounds. The good news is that you can use honey to heal. The best news is that Honey can be used to heal many summertime injuries. honey is very easy to use. Now that the weather in 2018 has finally warmed […]

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Friday, May 4, 2018

Avoiding Common Canning Mistakes

Are you making these mistakes when you are preserving your food? Avoiding common canning mistakes to make your home canned food safer is important! Part of the homesteading lifestyle, no matter how large your homestead is, is preserving foods. Some methods of food preservation can take the form of canning, freezing, dehydrating, or fermentation. You […]

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8 Simple Ways To Live Off Grid On Less Watts

Image source: How often do you take electricity for granted? If you are like I once was, it happens quite frequently. Often, I would shut off lights and unplug things when not in use, but I still never really took the time to think about what it would be like to go without power […]

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7 Best Orbital Sander Reviews: For Professional Silky Smooth Surfaces

For any type of finishing project, the orbital sander is an essential power tool. The orbital sander can create a professional silky smooth finish that is ready for painting or varnishing. The 7 Best Orbital Sanders Tacklife PRS01A Random Orbit Sander Black & Decker BDERO100 5-inch Random Orbit Sander DEWALT D26453K 3 Amp 5-Inch Random […]

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Making The Switch To Warm Weather Survival Gear

Making the switch to summer survival gear should be a top priority. In case you hadn’t noticed … summer is almost here. It seems like the new year started just last week, and now we’re easing up on the halfway point for this year. Ski parkas and snow boots are gone and it’s time to […]

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Thursday, May 3, 2018

Japanese Knotwood-Foraging And Using It

Easily found in many areas, Japanese knotwood has a slightly tangy flavor that makes it useful in any recipe calling for rhubarb. In the Spring, Japanese Knotwood comes into season. Also known as Fallopia japonica, it can be identified by simple leaves that alternate and appear to be a broad oval. This native species comes […]

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8 Best Belt Sander Reviews: Ultimate Wood Finishing Power Tools

For any type of wood sanding, shaping or smoothing task, you need a belt sander. Whether you are a carpenter making furniture, a contractor laying floorboards, a DIY renovator installing kitchen cupboards, or a hobbyist with a small craft project, the belt sander will help you to complete all your woodworking tasks fast and efficiently. […]

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Growing Watermelon: Your Guide to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Watermelon

Do certain foods remind you of certain people? For me, it’s watermelon. The time of year rolls around to begin planting and harvesting my crops, and I instantly think of my mother-in-law. It was her favorite time of year. Some of my fondest memories of her include shucking corn on my back porch, and her […]

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Growing Blueberries – Quick Guide and Master Grower’s Tips

Do you love the taste and health benefits of blueberries? Would you like a fruit crop that will produce well in a short amount of time and doesn’t require a lot of space? Have you tried growing blueberries and had poor results? This post is for you! Learn how to grow blueberries in your own […]

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The 5 Best Herbs To Stop Spring Allergies

Butterbur. Image source: If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from springtime allergies — sometimes called hay fever — then you already know that finding the perfect solution means finding ways to treat those annoying symptoms, rather than actually “curing” the problem. Our ancestors used herbal remedies for thousands of […]

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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Top 8 Most Overlooked Survival Items To Stockpile

Whenever survival comes to mind, there are always specific items that we think of first. Food such as beans and rice, clean drinking water, firearms and ammunition, medical kits, and gasoline probably come to mind. That being said, there are also many more essential items to store as well but that don’t receive nearly as […]

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Eat Those Varmints: 3 Nuisance Animals that Make Tasty Meals

If you’re a homesteader or small-scale farmer, you’ve likely engaged in varmint battles over the years. How many times have you gone out to your chicken coop, only to find a bloody pile of feathers? Or went to check on your garden, and found your zucchini crop gone, plants and all? Have you watched as […]

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How to Start a DIY Vertical Garden (and 7 Ideas You Should Try)

Do you live in a cramped area and think gardening is out of the question for you? If so, you probably haven’t considered the idea of vertical gardening. Some people have embraced the idea of container gardening. Vertical gardening is much like container gardening only it takes up even less space. Does this sound too […]

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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

How To Get Rid Of Mice Infestation Naturally

On the homestead, you will often have chickens, food storage, or a garden. That’s what most of us do, anyway, right? It makes the homestead, “The Homestead”. Unfortunately, chicken feed laying around, compost bins with leftover chicken scraps, garden produce growing, and food storage containers can also attract another common aspect on the homestead. Mice. […]

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Items That Might Be Missing From Your Family First-Aid Kit

You never know when a family member might get injured. Accidents, by their very nature, are unpredictable. While we might be able to say that some activities are statistically more likely to produce accidents, that doesn’t help us predict when they will come or who will receive them. This can be even worse in a […]

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Growing Petunias: A Complete Guide on How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Petunias

One thing I love about the warmer months of the year is the flowers in bloom. They are gorgeous. But one thing about ‘the gardening bug’ is that it doesn’t always come with an instant green thumb. If this is you, meaning you love flowers but struggle to grow them, I want to inform you […]

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6 Free Raised Garden Bed Ideas- Maximize Your Space

Do you want a raised garden bed but not pay the hefty price that comes with buying one? I have 6 amazing FREE raised garden bed ideas to share with you. Raised garden beds make gardening easier to maintain and are aesthetically pleasing. In addition to ease of maintenance, you can build them anywhere and […]

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Rural Internet Options – A Comparison of Rural Internet Services

Living in the country has its benefits – lower cost per acre, fewer regulations and more freedom. But with those benefits comes a distinct disadvantage – slow or no rural internet options. Fast rural internet can be like looking for a unicorn, but for the homesteading commuter, farmer or rural entrepreneur, high speed rural internet […]

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New Zealand Pig Farmer In Deep

New Zealand farmer Robert Dawson claims independent water samples show he’s innocent. New Zealand pig farmer Robert Dawson has been not only fined, but cut off from a supply of grocery store scraps he was feeding his beloved but muddy friends. The Taranaki Regional Council of New Zealand recently sent investigators to Dawson’s farm. Regional […]

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3 Ways To Cook Hard Boiled Eggs

I love making hard boiled eggs. The versatility of a good hard boiled egg is amazing, truly. You can make stuffed eggs, egg salad, or just top a fresh green salad with bits of egg. Eggs are a good source of protein and healthy fats, making them an easy addition to your daily diet. 6 […]

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Mom’s Best Chocolate Pudding Cake Recipe – Easy, From Scratch

Mom's best hot fudge pudding cake is an easy from scratch chocolate pudding cake recipe combines two desserts in one – rich chocolate cake and yummy chocolate fudge pudding sauce. This is not a poke cake. It gets layered by itself, right in the oven. It's great paired up with ice cream or some nice […]

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Democrats Want To Spend $500 Billion To Give Everybody A Job

Can the government really create jobs without increasing taxes? Six potential Democratic presidential candidates have an incredibly expensive new plan that would add more than half a trillion dollars ($543 billion) to the national deficit every year. They want Uncle Sam to provide a government job for everybody that wants one. Thats the Democratic jobs […]

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8 Best Multi Tool Reviews: Versatile and Practical Fix-It Devices

A multi-tool will help you stay prepared for any type of emergency indoor or outdoor situation. Whether you are camping, hiking, survival prepping, or a professional contractor or DIY maintenance guru, the versatile multi-tool incorporates a range of tools into one compact device. The 8 Best Multi Tools Gerber Suspension 22-01471 Multi-Plier Multi-Tool Leatherman – […]

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How to Use the Core Gardening Method to Grow with Minimal Water

Are you tired of your garden needing constant watering? Do you live in an area with an arid climate which is hard on your plants? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you are going to be interested in a new gardening method. This method is known as core gardening. It’s a straightforward […]

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A-Frame Tiny Guest Cabin in Montana Built for $700

At just 80 square feet, this solar powered A-frame tiny cabin in Montana is minimalist perfection, and it was built for the shockingly low cost of $700. Photographer and travel blogger Alla Ponomareva and her husband, who had built a tiny cabin before this one, searched for plans to build a second tiny guest cabin […]

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