Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Alpha Tiny House With Beautiful Natural Lighting

The Alpha is a gorgeous tiny house built by New Frontier Tiny Homes in Nashville, TN. The modern and fully functional interior is beautifully lit with plenty of uniquely-placed windows and glass doors. At about 190 square feet, this home is one of the most beautiful models we’ve seen, and it’s packed with creative storage […]

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How About This Self-Sufficient Garden Pool Farm?

When Dennis and Danielle McClung bought a foreclosed home in Mesa, Ariz., in 2009, their new yard featured a broken, empty . Instead of spending a small fortune to repair and fill it, Dennis had a far more prescient idea: He built a plastic cap over it and started growing things inside. Thus, with help […]

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Saturday, September 29, 2018

How aquaponics works

Supplying the people of the world with sufficient food has been a constant issue ever since the population has begun to increase considerably. Now even movies are placing food shortage at the center of their Sci-Fi genre. Homemade food might be a possible working answer, people all over have resorted to such a solution in […]

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All-Natural Ways To Fight Fall Allergies

All-Natural Ways To Fight Fall Allergies Autumn is a lovely time of the year — unless you suffer from fall allergies. Many allergies during this time of the year are due to an increase in molds inside and outdoors. Mold growth increases due to rain, decomposing plants, and reduced air flow within buildings as we […]

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8 Foods You Can Sautee

Sautéing is a cooking technique that basically consists of cooking something quickly in a pan, over a relatively high heat, using a tossing, rather than a stirring, motion. Due to the fast cooking time, the ingredients being sautéed are able to retain a large amount of their nutrients and texture, while achieving a browning that […]

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8 Life-Saving Emergency Items That Should Be In Your Car Right Now

Life-Saving Emergency Items That Should Be In Your Car Right Now Years ago, I read a tragic account in the news about a family who had been traveling to visit relatives and friends and somehow got lost in the Pacific Northwest. They had driven down a back road and their minivan had become stuck in […]

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Friday, September 28, 2018

Can The Grid Support The Demand For Electric Cars?

Electric cars seem to be a trend whose time is coming inevitably. Now there are over half a million of them in the U.S. alone. I remember first hearing about electric cars when I was a kid. That was a long time ago; back when they were just a theory, one that people were calling […]

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Use the Right Winter Cover Crops to Supercharge Your Spring Garden

Many of us homesteaders manage large gardens from spring to fall while the weather is perfect for growing most vegetables. However, as day length declines and the climate cools, the options for what we can grow become more and more limited. So, we tend to scale back our bed space during the fall and winter […]

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Stockpile In A Small Space: 10 Overlooked Ways To Make It Happen

Stockpile In A Small Space Homesteaders and others in the preparedness community often dream about huge bunkers deep underground filled with a healthy stockpile of food, water and other essentials. It is all really nice in theory, but for many, living in an apartment or a small house eliminates the dream for that giant storage […]

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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Farmers Lose Right To Repair Own Tractors

It is important to realize that the loss of farmers’ right to repair increases the stranglehold big business has on the food supply. Americans are losing the right to repair their own vehicles, gadgets, and appliances. Big business is explicitly waging a war on self-sufficiency with restrictive contracts. For instance, John Deere is requiring farmers […]

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How To Build an Underground Greenhouse

The underground greenhouse (or pit greenhouse) is mostly buried into the ground because the soil helps keep the temperature constant, somewhere around 16 degrees, when placed at one-meter-deep, even if outside the thermometer shows a temperature below freezing-point. How to build it? This post originally appeared on See it here

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Democrat Hypocrisy In The Kavanaugh Hearings

Democrat hypocrisy is on full display during the contentious Kavanaugh hearings. The Senate hearings to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court will dominate the news today and for quite some time. We’re not hearing much about the hearings themselves, but mostly about allegations and accusations being made against Kavanaugh by Democrats. The constant stream […]

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9 Ways to Reduce Your Salt Intake

When it comes to salt consumption and your health, less is typically better, making you less likely to develop problems with your cholesterol, blood pressure, and digestive system issues. While you can’t completely eliminate salt from your diet—and shouldn’t (!), as sodium is necessary for human life—you can take a few steps to help reduce […]

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3 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Moving Off-Grid

Things I Wish I’d Known Before Moving Off-Grid Many Americans dream of a simpler life off the grid, but due to work, family commitments or other reasons, not every person can make it happen. However, for those who do make the move, they often find themselves wishing they’d known more before taking the plunge. Here […]

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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

4 Essential Tips For Beginning Big Game Hunting

Tips For Beginning Big Game Hunting If you’ve never tried big game hunting, and are considering getting into the sport, there are some basic principles of hunting that you may or may not be aware of. Hunting is an exciting and challenging pastime, one that not every prospective hunter will master. To some novices, hunting […]

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100 Succulent Garden Ideas for Uniqueness and Intrigue in Your Garden

Wanting to add some magic to your garden? Something unique and different to add a touch of intrigue? Well, I don't know about you, but I have completely jumped on board of the succulent craze! These plants are so diverse in color, shape, and size, they can be used in an incredible amount of ways. […]

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7 Forgotten Plants The Native Americans Used For Medicine

7 Forgotten Plants The Native Americans Used For Medicine 7 Forgotten Plants The Native Americans Used For Medicine My great-grandmother was an Ojibway Indian. They’re a tribe from Canada, and their Native American cousins were the Cherokee. She and my great grandfather were highly self-sufficient, as she often used herbs and plants from nature for […]

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11 Ways To Beat Nature And Extend Your Gardening Season

Extend Your Growing Season If you live in a climate that has less-than-ideal growing conditions for much of the year due to frost or cold weather, there are many things you can do to extend the growing season by weeks, months, or even indefinitely – even in the coldest climates. 1. Choose the right plants […]

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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Everything You’ve Heard About Stockpiling Ammo Is Wrong

Everything You’ve Heard About Stockpiling Ammo Is Wrong Amongst all the critical supplies that survivalists stockpile, there is nothing more controversial than ammunition. When it comes to food and water, you never hear someone saying, “That’s too much.” But you can hear that with ammo. You can also hear a lot of people spouting off […]

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7 Remarkable ‘Outside-The-Kitchen’ Uses For Honey

Remarkable ‘Outside-The-Kitchen’ Uses For Honey September is National Honey Month, and the golden liquid seems to deserve the honor. Americans consume about 1.5 pounds of honey per person annually, and there are more than 300 unique types of honey in the U.S. alone. Honey is made by honeybees from the nectar of flowers and plants; […]

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Fall Gardening: All You Need to Know to Plan & Start a Thriving Fall Garden

When people talk about a spring vegetable garden, they usually mean the crops that are actually planted in spring. So my first year of growing food, when people talked about having a fall vegetable garden, I assumed that meant there were lots of vegetables I could plant in the fall. Come to find out, there […]

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How To Heat Your Home With Solar Heating

Solar power is a hot topic these days. With energy costs increasing and expected to keep on increasing, many are seeing solar power as the way to go. While expensive, it’s possible to add solar power to pretty much any home. But adding solar heating isn’t always all that easy, especially when that home wasn’t […]

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Monday, September 24, 2018

5 Things You Better Get Off The Internet Before The Grid Goes Down

5 Things You Better Get Off The Internet Before The Grid Goes Down We rely on the Internet for nearly everything in life, but in the wake of a natural disaster or large-scale collapse of the power grid, it is possible that the Internet could become inaccessible. Even a few days without it could cripple […]

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Water Kefir Soda Recipe: Easy to Make and Really Good for You!

A few years ago, I had noticed a “new drink” at the grocery store. I plucked the bottle off the shelf in the cooler and turned it over in my hands, reading the label. It made mention of kefir, probiotics, and fermentation. I think the word that stuck out most to me was “fermentation”. When […]

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How to Make a Cast Iron Pot Holder from a Repurposed Gun Rack

While browsing the internet the other night, I came across an interesting question. The question was how do you store your cast iron? Many ideas accompanied the answer, and I shared how I stored mine and posted a picture. Surprisingly, my phone blew up consistently for the following hours because people were interested in how […]

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Sunday, September 23, 2018

10 Things Our Grandparents Wish We All Knew

10 Things Our Grandparents Wish We All Knew The world we live in is certainly different from the one our grandparents were born into. Our resources, challenges, technology and opportunities have changed dramatically. But one thing has remained the same — we are still people. In our hearts, we remain the same kind of creatures […]

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Natural Immune-Boosting Foods

natural immune-boosting foods As we enter the cooler months, we also enter the time of year when we encounter more illness. Many of us should consider adding natural immune-boosting foods to our families diet. This is especially true as school is back in session. Kids are regularly exposed to new illnesses that they then bring […]

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Myths And Realities Of Shotguns As Weapons For Home Defense

Shotguns: Weapons For Home Defense Shotguns are one of the most popular weapons for home defense, but they’re also one of the most misunderstood. Let’s look at a few myths and realities of them: Myths 1. The Pump Action Will Always Drive People Away. When an intruder hears the classic sound of the pump action, […]

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Saturday, September 22, 2018

Essential Tips For Bagging Your Record Buck This Deer-Hunting Season

Essential Tips For Bagging Your Record Buck This Deer-Hunting Season As deer-hunting season arrives, we’ll no doubt be pulling out and checking our hunting gear, sighting in our rifles at the range, and scouting hunting locations at our favorite spots. Some hunters will want to bag a trophy buck, others will just want to put […]

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10 Reasons You’ll Enjoy Homesteading

Are you trying to figure out if homesteading is right for you? While there’s no denying that some days can be a challenge, here are 10 reasons you will really enjoy homesteading. Don’t let the challenges lying ahead scare you, the rewards are well worth it! 1. You Will Have Total Control Over the Food […]

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30 Beautiful Succulent Planter Ideas to Display Their Full Glory

Are you joining the succulent craze? I mean, how could you not! Succulents are such a beautiful plant species with an extraordinary amount of diversity. They come in all shapes, all sizes, and all colors. They are the perfect decoration to put anywhere in your house and the best part is that they are so […]

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Ancient Greek And Roman Religion – History You Didn’t Hear In School

Ancient Greek and Roman religion meant having a family shrine (with hearth and fire) like this one discovered at Pompei. Greek And Roman Religion – The Worship Of The Dead When we think of Greek and Roman religion or the classical world generally, we usually have in mind the kingdoms and empires that grew out […]

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6 Popular Survival Strategies That Will Probably Get You Killed

6 Popular Survival Strategies That Will Probably Get You Killed Being part of the preparedness community doesn’t guarantee your survival, and it doesn’t mean that you are incapable of making a fatal decision. It doesn’t even mean that you’re automatically going to know what to do and have the things you need to do it […]

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Friday, September 21, 2018

Train Your Chickens So They’ll Come When You Use A Chicken Call

Train Your Chickens So They’ll Come When You Use A Chicken Call When you get a new puppy, you know you will have to train it to follow directions — and not to “use the bathroom” on the carpet. But what about your chicks? Do you train them, too? Owning trained chickens could come in […]

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Food Truck Surveillance New Low In Government Overreach

Chicago’s food truck surveillance ordinance could violate the Fourth Amendment’s ban on unreasonable search and seizure. The city of Chicago has been conducting food truck surveillance since 2012. As an illustration, it equips each food truck with a device that reports its location to authorities every five minutes. Authorities are apparently enforcing a law that […]

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How to Can Zucchini (with Step-by-step Pics)

Zucchini plants are known for being prolific growers, and you can only make so much zucchini bread! My kids may love muffins and fried zucchini slices, but they start to ask for other things after a while. You can only give so many away! So, one day, I wonder if there were ways to can […]

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Renting To Homestead? (Here’s The Pros And Cons)

Renting To Homestead So you want a homestead but are not in a position to buy the perfect place just yet? Having personally both rented an off-grid home in the middle of the high desert in New Mexico and owned another homestead, I understand the advantages and disadvantages of each. This New Backup Solar Generator […]

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Thursday, September 20, 2018

The 5 Worst Mistakes Gun Owners Make

Mistakes Gun Owners Make Gun ownership is a fundamental civil liberty, but just like all rights, it requires responsibility. Here are five mistakes that some gun owners make, and how you can avoid them: Mistakes Gun Owners Make 1. Poor Storage Choices Don’t store your weapons out in the open, where children have access to […]

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The Average American’s Income Is Falling

If you think your income is falling, you are certainly not alone. On balance, most Americans are still struggling There is highly compelling evidence that the average American family is still in worse economic shape than in 2007. The reality on Main Street is that income is falling and the American dream is unobtainable for […]

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11 Unusual Uses For Milk That Can Revolutionize Homestead Life

Unusual Uses for Milk Got milk? Although there is an ongoing debate about the complete range of health benefits that cow’s milk provides to humans, milk remains a staple beverage in many American households. A USDA study found that the average American drinks 20.4 gallons of milk each year, and milk ranks fourth behind carbonated […]

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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Essential Survival Prep You Can Do Right Now For FREE

Survival Prep It seems that most discussions about preparedness often revolve around guns, tools and gear. Sometimes we overspend, but today let’s take a look at things you can do that won’t cost you a dime. Sometimes it’s good to take a step back and stop spending so much money. Gear is great, but knowledge […]

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How To Survive A Violent Home Invasion

Home Invasion In a previous article we discussed how to harden your home against a home invasion and how to prepare for a home invasion. Here, we want to cover the actual methodology of surviving a home invasion, and steps you can take to survive — and win — such a violent encounter. Remember: You […]

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Here’s Why Chickens are the Easiest Livestock to Raise

If you just started homesteading, no doubt you are wondering what kind of livestock you should raise. Although they are small, chickens are arguably one of the best animals to raise on your small farm. These animals are not only inexpensive to raise, but are also incredibly easy to care for. 1. They’re multipurpose Chickens […]

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Plantain: The Ugly Little Edible ‘Weed’ That Heals And Soothes

Plantain leaves If you do not chemically treat your yard, chances are very good that you have some plantain growing there. Plantain – not to be confused with the banana-like fruit of the same name – is a common weed found throughout North America. Native Americans have called plantain “Whiteman’s Foot” because it seems to […]

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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

How To Cook, Eat And Even Make Coffee With Acorns

Acorn I have had the pleasure of having some mighty oak trees in my life. The beautiful trees have provided shade to sit under, branches for my children to swing from, plenty of leaves to rake in the fall and quiet beauty and strength. They also have provided untold amounts of acorns! As another fall […]

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Fast Tomato Sauce Recipe

I spent most of yesterday making tomato sauce. There was washing, trimming, smashing into a food mill (I have this one and it’s a life saver- affiliate link), simmering, stirring, seasoning, and thennnnnn, finally at 6:39pm, I started ladling the gallons of sauce into quart jars and lowering them into the boiling water canner. It […]

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Monday, September 17, 2018

Pagan Religion And The Never-Ending Quest To Be God

Pagan religion requires ritual to hand-crank the universe. Pagan Religion’s “To Be As God” Worldview The serpent’s words in the garden…”Thou shalt not surely die”… implied an entire worldview that was radically at odds with God’s revelation of Himself and the foundational structure of the world He created. Think about it this way… if God […]

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10 Things to Recycle in your Compost Bin

If you’re a homesteader, you are no doubt familiar with the hundreds of benefits composting provides, not just to you, but also to your garden. Composting isn’t just about getting rid of kitchen scraps and providing free fertilizer for your nutrient-hungry crops–it’s about reducing waste, preventing pollution, and closing the nutrient cycle. This process can […]

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Saturday, September 15, 2018

FEMA And The Disastrous Problem Of “Good Intentions”

Is It always FEMA’s fault when help doesn’t come “perfectly”. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter signed an executive order creating FEMA … the Federal Emergency Management Agency. This showcase agency was intended to become the federal government’s answer to disasters, acting as the central clearinghouse for providing aid to the victims of everything from earthquakes […]

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How to Harvest Green Beans and Store Them for Long-Term Use

Do you enjoy fresh green beans? Would you like to grow your own? Well, growing green beans is simple, but learning when to harvest the green beans and how to prepare them for cooking is a different ball game altogether. It’s not particularly challenging, but it does take some ‘know-how.’ If you’re interested in learning […]

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Friday, September 14, 2018

Cooking, Surviving And Thriving During A Long-Term Power Outage

As soon as you know that a power outage is going to last more than a few days, you should shift over to long-term mode. Getting through a long-term power outage is much more challenging than getting through a short-term one. Also, it’s a good time to consider the challenges with the hurricane season just […]

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Thursday, September 13, 2018

15 Benefits of Aeroponic Growing

Aeroponic growing, while it may look wildly different from the conventional hydroponics setup, is still part of the family of hydroponics systems that uses no soil and a nutrient reservoir to deliver moisture and nutrients to plants. What is it aeroponics, anyway? When you’re running an aeroponic system, your plants are literally suspended in mid-air. […]

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Are Your Phone Apps Secretly Monetizing You?

Do you know if your phone apps are secretly monetizing you? There’s a strong chance that your phone apps are secretly monetizing you. In fact, dozens of popular iPhone apps are quietly selling information about you to big businesses in the data mining industry. Apps are constantly sending precise locations and other data about users […]

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10 Ways to Tell Your Food is Spoiled

As a homesteader, much of what you do throughout the year involves preserving, preparing, and conserving food. Therefore, it is important to know the warning signs of spoiled food–it’s not always what you think. Expiration dates don’t always indicate spoilage. Sometimes, sell-by-dates are mistaken for expiration dates. Expiration dates contribute to food waste and don’t […]

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Agressive Scavenging When Your Family’s Life Is On The Line

Is it wrong to scavange agressively when lives are at stake? As people who plan on surviving whatever disaster might come our way, we all tend to stockpile the food and other supplies we think we’ll need. This puts us way ahead of the rest of the country. But that doesn’t really guarantee we’ll have […]

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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Proper Spoor Identification When Hunting Big Game

Proper spoor identification is key in an active hunting strategy Part of being a successful hunter is being a successful tracker, and tracking is not a skill that’s learned overnight. In some types of hunting, such as duck hunting, tracking is really not necessary; you’ll post up somewhere in a marsh and wait for ducks […]

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Industrial Agriculture Threatens America’s Food Supply

The triumph of industrial agriculture raises a troubling question that everybody needs to ask: “what we will eat if agriculture collapses?” Industrial agriculture threatens both the food supply and America’s traditional social fabric. Family farms and small towns are dying because of centralized industrial agriculture. As an illustration, only 25,000 subcontractors are raising most of […]

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Roasted Poblano Salsa

I’m feeling decidedly uncreative this year… …as far as food preservation goes. Am I allowed to say that? There I go, losing my homesteader status points again… I’m going to blame the cookbook and the shall-not-yet-be-named undisclosed project for eating up all of my allotted creativity for the year. I got nuthin’. I guess I […]

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Monday, September 10, 2018

Cleaning With Oregano Oil – The World’s Most Powerful Disinfectant

Cleaning with oregano oil is ideal because it has excellent antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. Keeping your home clean is important, especially as changing seasons typically hail the arrival of a new onslaught of cold and flu viruses. While sanitizing and deodorizing is important, did you know that many common household cleaners contain dangerous pollutants? […]

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Sunday, September 9, 2018

Covenant Education And The Numbering Of Our Days

Covenant education is intergenerational and should continue until we breathe our last breath. Covenant Education And Infancy Scripture gives us a few specific ages that help map out the growth of human maturity and the pattern of covenant education. So let’s start at the very beginning. Scripture everywhere assumes that every child is alive from […]

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8 All-Natural Remedies For A Bee Or Wasp Sting (That Really Work)

Natural Remedies For A Bee Or Wasp Sting Early fall can be the most likely time to get a painful bee or wasp sting. It is during this time of year that the wasp colony’s social structure changes from raising workers to raising queens. Their behavior may seem erratic and more threatening than usual. The […]

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Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Legalities Of Defending Your Home And Family

It’s highly crucial to be aware of doing what’s legally and morally correct when defending your home and family. I see a lot written about defending the home in the wake of a crisis or during a time of social breakdown. Those are indeed dangerous times and we definitely need to be ready to defend […]

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Off-Grid Laundry: How To Do It Exactly Like Grandma Did

Off-Grid Laundry If your home is like mine and you don’t have central air conditioning, then trying to keep the house as cool as possible when it’s hot outside is important. One very common appliance that can really heat up a house is a dryer. Lately, I have been washing my clothes in the washing […]

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Friday, September 7, 2018

Here’s How A Fast-Spreading Currency Crisis Could Wipe Out Your Money

A fast-spreading currency crisis could cause major economies to collapse and wipe out the value of dollar-denominated accounts across the country. A fast-spreading currency crisis could cause major economies to collapse and wipe out the value of dollar-denominated accounts across the country. Here’s what’s going on right now. Three large national economies: Argentina, Turkey, and […]

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18 Ingenious DIY Hot Tub Plans & Ideas Suitable for Any Budget

It’s been a long day. You need some way to relax but how? Would a warm bath do the trick? Or would you prefer to be outdoors and taking in your glorious backyard views? Well, in my case, I’d rather be outside. From my backyard, I have a splendid view of the mountains. It’s a […]

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9 Incredible Survival Uses For A Plain Old Tin Can

Tin Can A key component of a good survival plan is to take everyday items and apply them into useful purposes for a disaster scenario. Tin cans are just one of those items. Tin cans, of course, cannot be resealed after you open and eat the food inside of them, but this does not make […]

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Thursday, September 6, 2018

8 Powerhouse Cancer-Fighting Foods

Cancer-Fighting Foods Did you know that your immune system is capable of healing pretty much every disease known to man? The body’s self-healing capabilities are quite astounding. There actually have been cases of people defeating cancer without the use of traditional medication and treatments. Some people have success with vegetarianism, raw foods, ketogenic diets and […]

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September Gardening Tips and To-Do List by Planting Zone and Region

Fall is upon us, and you may be wondering what you should be doing in your garden this month? Well, we have you covered. I’m going to share with you what your garden requires based on your planting zone and region. This way you can cross-reference to see if there are any extra tips to […]

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Anybody Can Live Off The Grid. Is It Right For You?

Imagine living a simple life among the trees and wildlife of a beautiful forest. Every day is a chance to eat freshly harvested food, with not a single neighbor in sight. Best of all: there are no monthly bills to pay. Many have successfully opted for a this lifestyle by living off the grid. What […]

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11 All-Natural Remedies For Fall Allergies

Spring isn’t the only season that can bring dreaded colds and sinus problems. For many people, fall allergies can be just as much of a concern. Spring isn’t the only season that can bring dreaded allergies. For many people, fall — with its ragweed pollen and mold spores – accompanies fits of sneezing, coughing, runny […]

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Teacher Fired After Forcing Student To Stand For Pledge Of Allegiance

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that it is unconstitutional for schools to force students to sit or stand during the Pledge of Allegiance. Asking your students to show respect for the flag is apparently a way to end a teaching career in Colorado. Karen Smith’s 30-year teaching career ended with child abuse charges because […]

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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

How To Drill Your Own Water Well Using Only PVC Pipe

Water Well There’s something that our ancestors all had on their property, which we don’t often have today. No, I’m not referencing a barn, although that would be true. I’m referring to a water well. City water is something relatively new, at least as we know it. Before that, people had to rely on well […]

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22 Chaos-Eliminating DIY Shoe Rack Ideas

Is your closet overrun with shoes? Is it as though you can’t find what you’re looking for in the rush of the morning because you have to dig through a mountain of shoes, right? Well, it sounds as though you need a shoe rack. I know we avoid shoe racks at times because we go […]

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3 Basic Survival Skills Your Children Should Know

As a nation, we have dropped the ball when it comes to survival skills. Now it’s time to set things straight. What is happening to our nation’s children? I know that times always change and we cannot hold on to the past. However, shouldn’t we take the things that worked and build on them? There […]

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Wet Weather Gardening: 6 Tips When The Rain Just Won’t Go Away

If you are experiencing an over-abundance of rain, you know wet weather gardening can be a challenge. Normally about this time of year, I would be making my first awesome batch of homemade tomato sauce. But this year, I simply don’t have enough ripe tomatoes for that yet, and most of them are still very […]

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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Pickled Green Beans Recipe (lacto-fermented)

It happens every stinkin’ time. I innocently check my green bean plants one day and don’t see much, and then 24 hours later, BAM. They are loaded down with ALL THE BEANS that need to be picked like yesterday. Come to think of it, the cucumbers do the same thing. They must be in cahoots. […]

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5 All-Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure And Avoid Medication

By making positive lifestyle changes, you can achieve lower blood pressure with no need for pharmaceutical intervention. Millions of Americans are plagued with what is often called the “silent killer” — high blood pressure. Often, elevated blood pressure goes entirely unnoticed and undiagnosed until it is too late. Hypertension occurs when the force of blood […]

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Monday, September 3, 2018

A Unique Hobbit Tiny Cabin in Norway

Imagine for a moment a gorgeous tiny cabin, situated beneath a mound of earth and blanketed in green grasses and flowers. Wood-framed windows gaze out to picturesque woods where seasons fluctuate from warm, green summers to subzero snowy landscapes. Kind of sounds like something dreamt up by Tolkien, right? Images © Airbnb This tiny cabin, […]

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Sunday, September 2, 2018

This Is Why Your Stockpile Needs High-Capacity Magazines

High-Capacity Magazines A while ago I wrote an article discussing how much ammunition survivalists should stockpile. As a bit of a recap, in that article I suggesting buying a minimum of 2,000 rounds of ammunition: 1,000 rounds for practice, and another 1,000 for stockpiling. You can never have enough ammunition, but 2,000 rounds at the […]

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Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Practical And Clever 2-Ingredient Soap The Pioneers Used

Crude Soap The Pioneers Used Have you ever wondered what the best way is to make soap if you are living off the land? The hard-working pioneers had to be resourceful and learn how to make their own soap from wood ashes and waste fats. They realized it’s easy to craft soap using the overflowing […]

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4 Simple Ways To Cure Nature Deficit Disorder In Your Kids

Curing Nature Deficit Disorder Ever heard of nature deficit disorder? Don’t shrug it away as just another one among the plethora of “New Age” disorders. Nature deficit disorder is not exactly a medical condition. But that’s no great consolation; its consequences are grim enough — and your child may be at risk. The term “nature […]

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