Thursday, January 31, 2019

“Right-Wing Extremism” Biggest Problem Says Dem Security Chairman

As usual, we can expect to see right-wing extremism used as “representative” of all conservatives in an effort to silence our voice. One of the left’s favorite mantras is that all mass murderers are right-wing extremists. Let’s forget about the fact that Democrats, leftists, or the children of Democrats (in the case of those too […]

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Soil Testing: Unlock the Secret to Making Your Garden Thrive

Gardening is a lot like baking. You need to have the right steps and ingredients to get a good end product. Soil testing is an integral part of the recipe. Knowing what a soil test is, how to take one, and how to interpret the results will make a world of difference in your garden. […]

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Amidst Global Warming Hysteria, NASA Scientists Expect Global Cooling

Those promoting CO2 as the reason for global warming are hucksters and those taken in by hucksters. Please consider NASA Sees Climate Cooling Trend Thanks to Low Sun Activity. “We see a cooling trend,” said Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center. “High above Earth’s surface, near the edge of space, our atmosphere is losing […]

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Roger Stone And The Mueller Investigation’s Gestapo Tactics

Roger Stone gets the David Koresh treatment. Roger Stone And The Mueller Investigation Nineteen FBI vehicles descended upon a home, early in the morning. They disgorged twenty-some agents including a SWAT team, all to arrest one 66-year-old man who wasn’t a threat to anyone. Roger Stone, a longtime political operative, didn’t even own a firearm. […]

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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Democrats Plan Hyperinflation That Will Destroy The U.S. Economy

The Democrats plan hyperinflation because they believe that the government can pay for all of their expensive programs by printing more and more money. Taking a page out of their radical, progressivist playbook, the Democrats plan hyperinflation to finance massive spending increases and new entitlements. In fact, many Democrats are embracing the ideas of economist […]

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1 Thing Everyone Is Missing In Home Defense

Home Defense When someone buys a gun for home defense, they tend to fall into one of three categories. These categories are based on the amount of thought an individual puts into their planning. Although you may find yourself falling in between two categories, these distinctions should help you see any improvements you can make […]

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29 Cat-Safe Plants For Your Home and the Ones to Avoid at All Costs

A friend recently asked me about starting an indoor herb garden, but she was anxious about planting something that might harm her kittens. As an animal owner myself, I’m well aware that most critters love to find stuff to chew on. They’re not particularly discerning, either. That's why choosing cat-safe plants for your home is […]

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Apple FaceTime bug lets you listen in on people you call, even if they haven’t picked up their iPhone

There’s a FaceTime bug that lets you hear through someone else’s iPhone, even if they haven’t answered your phone call. It was previously reported on Twitter by user Benji Mobb and reported by 9to5Mac. CNBC tested it and verified that it’s a real bug. I tried placing a video call to my editor from my […]

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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

4 Questions to Ask Yourself BEFORE You Start Your Homestead

I think I have cheerleader tendencies… No, not like a pom-pom carrying cheerleader, rather, I really, REALLY enjoy cheering others on in their homesteading pursuits. It makes me so stinkin’ happy. (Side note: I wasn’t a cheerleader in high school… I was the awkward, weird girl in high school. Annnnddd, not much has changed.) But […]

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Welcome To London, The City That Spies On You

The reality in “the city that spies on you” is that everybody’s activities are under constant surveillance by bureaucrats. Is the United Kingdom still a free place? Regardless of what you might think, the country’s most prominent city, London, is now known as the “city that spies on you.” Notably, there are now half a […]

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How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Improve Your Health

Apple cider vinegar is the latest DIY health craze that has taken over our culture, with remedies treating a range of conditions from skin problems to digestive woes. Apple cider vinegar is simply a combination of brewed fermented apples and a potent combination of bacteria and yeast. Though not necessarily pleasant tasting on its own […]

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5 Tricks Your Ancestors Use To Save Fuel During Winter

5 Tricks Your Ancestors Use To Save Fuel During Winter Our first home was built in 1907 and boasted drafty windows and a minimal amount of insulation. Before our first winter came to an end, we knew changes had to be made if we were to survive in any amount of comfort. Staying warm at […]

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Pope Francis says social media is creating ‘spirals of hatred’

The Pope has warned that the illusion of community online risks turning young people into ‘hermits’, and that narcissism and societal divisions fueled by social media are creating ‘spirals of hatred’. In his World Day of Social Communications message released on Thursday, Pope Francis said that online discussion is ‘too often based on opposition to […]

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Monday, January 28, 2019

Growing Mulberries: A Complete Guide on How to Plant, Grow, & Harvest Mulberries

The marvelous mulberry is a highly underrated plant. It's easy to grow, with mouthwatering fruit that tastes good in everything from wine to sorbet. If you're hoping to add a fruit tree to your garden, you should give them a look. Some people avoid mulberries because they have a reputation for being messy and invasive. […]

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Endurance vs. Frostbite: How Long Can You Truly Survive In Extreme Cold?

frostbite Reflections on the strength and endurance of human history will yield a picture of Inuits and Native cultures around the world surviving the most extreme climates and the harshest weathers. The older we become, the more we recognize the real dangers that surround us each day. Like growing up from youthful bliss when we […]

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People robbed of coats at gunpoint in Chicago

Chicago police are reporting gunpoint robberies targeting people wearing pricey Canada Goose jackets as temperatures plunge in the city. Over the past two weeks, police say there’s been a spate of the thefts in which people wearing the luxury coats have been targeted and forced to give up the jackets. The coats can cost upward […]

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DIY Pantry Idea: Transforming an Awkward Space in Only 5 Steps

Do you have some space in your home which is unusable? I want to share some of my own awkward spaces in my home, and the simple ways I've been able to transform them. Because I live in a smaller home, it is all the more important to be able to utilize every bit of […]

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3 Tips to Choosing The Best Battery For Your Solar Panel System, Battery Bank, or Off-Grid System

Have you ever wondered how to pick out the best battery(s) for your solar panel system (or off-grid energy system)? Or have you wondered what makes one deep cycle battery better than another? If so, this article will answer these questions and give you specific things to check on before buying your new battery (to […]

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Natural Resource Expert Uncovers the “Greatest Breakthrough in Energy in 150 Years”

Matt Badiali is a geologist on a mission. For over 10 years – Matt worked exclusively for a private, billionaire investor – delivering Top Echelon research into the best natural resource stocks in market. His personal track record has seen some exceptional winners – including a massive 4,400% gain in Kaminak Gold. Yet, a short […]

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Sunday, January 27, 2019

6 Simple Ways To Generate More Heat From Your Fireplace

6 Simple Ways To Generate More Heat From Your Fireplace You may be thrilled to have a fireplace in your home. Your hearth provides an inviting glow and can become the center of a room. However, most masonry fireplaces are designed primarily for decoration and provide little heat. Compared to woodstoves, fireplaces are extremely inefficient: […]

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How to Succeed at Seed Germination & 7 Common Mistakes to Avoid

Seed germination is one of the fundamentals of gardening, but while it might be a basic element, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. If you've ever planted seeds with the hopes of seeing them thrive in a few weeks only to be disappointed, then you know how difficult it can be. […]

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How To Set Up A Small Woodwork Shop for Under $1000

Are you a woodworker looking to set up your workshop, but your small space and limited funds are getting in the way? It turns out that even with a small space (as small as 8’X8’ square feet); you can still set-up up a complete, fully functional workshop. And you don’t have to worry about not […]

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The World’s First Cannabis Vending Machine Has Gone Live

For those who’ve participated in the market for recreational and medical cannabis, it hasn’t always been easy to purchase products. Whether it’s on the street or at a legal dispensary, there’s been a risk of falling afoul of the law, dealing with inconsistent or disappearing suppliers, having to travel far to reach the closest dispensary, […]

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State of emergency declared in US measles outbreak

A state of emergency was declared on Friday in the western US state of Washington following a measles outbreak that has affected more than two dozen people, the majority of them children. The disease was declared eliminated in the US in 2000 but has since made a comeback that is tied to imported cases and […]

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Saturday, January 26, 2019

WATCH: People in Mexico Hurl Rocks at Border Patrol Agents After Illegal Crossing

ROMA, Texas – A group of individuals in Mexico hurled rocks and insults at U.S. Border Patrol Agents as they apprehended migrants after an illegal crossing. The incident took place on the banks of the Rio Grande, not far from downtown Roma. The rock-throwing and insults were captured in a live video feed taken from […]

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The Top 11 Predators of Chickens

When my dogs got into the chicken coop, I almost gave up having chickens for good. I’ll always remember lifting up a dead chicken and having to get rid of the body. I then lifted another dead chicken and saw she laid an egg before being frightened to death. My dogs didn’t eat any of […]

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Media Pundits Declare That The American Middle Class Is Dead

By and large, many commentators suggest that the American middle class is dead because job security is dead. Some observers, including Atlantic writer Caitlin Zaloom, now believe that the American middle class is dead. Zaloom, in fact, asserts that the work and jobs that define the middle class no longer exist. For instance, Zaloom thinks […]

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30 Gorgeous Ground Cover Plants to Enrich Your Garden

Ground cover plants can add visual interest to the often-neglected areas of a garden, but don't be fooled – they're more than just a pretty face. They also help you reduce maintenance by suppressing weeds and eliminating mowing when you use them to replace grass. Low-growing plants also enrich and help your soil to retain […]

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How To Ensure Your Livestock Survive The Winter

Livestock Winter usually means the end of the growing season, shorter daylight hours, and possibly bitter cold temperatures. That means your livestock will need to be handled very differently. The preparation leading up to winter will determine how well your livestock come through the winter months. Preparation is Important Following are some tips to prepare […]

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Friday, January 25, 2019

US Warships Again Enter Taiwan Strait, But This Time With Chinese Bombers Overhead

For the first time this year the United States has sailed two warships through the Taiwan Strait Thursday in yet another challenge to the ‘One China’ policy and in accord with the US Navy’s “freedom of navigation” operations. It seems the US Navy is establishing this almost as “routine” given the number of times this […]

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How to Start a Successful Herb Garden and 6 Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

Fruits and veggies get all the attention when it comes to growing food, but herbs provide the kick that you need to take a recipe from “meh” to amazing. Not to mention the bevy of medicinal benefits you can get from them. If you're thinking about planting an herb garden – and we think you […]

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Artificial Intelligence WARNING: AI ‘capable predicting and manipulating YOUR future’

Artificial Intelligence is capable of predicting your future thoughts without knowing anything about you, scientists have warned. The process uses social media accounts of known associates to accurately build a profile on an individual. A new study looked at more than 30 million posts from around 13,000 social media users to create a prediction on […]

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Winter Preparation for Spring Crops

Winter Crops While you are stewing inside with cabin fever, you are probably dreaming of spring and imagining getting your hands in the garden soil. There is no need to wait. You can find plenty of things to do in your garden during the winter months, and doing so will help you get over the […]

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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Man says emotional support alligator helps his depression

YORK HAVEN, Pa. (AP) — A Pennsylvania man says his emotional support alligator helps him deal with his depression. Joie Henney, 65, said his registered emotional support animal named Wally likes to snuggle and give hugs, despite being a 5-foot-long alligator. The York Haven man said he received approval from his doctor to use Wally […]

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How to Smoke on a Charcoal Grill Like a Pro

Even if summer is months away, it’s time to start thinking about how to take your backyard barbeques up a notch this year. Whether you’re grilling traditional favorites or want to experiment with smoking your own, consider using your barbeque grill to try out some new recipes next summer. Why Is a Charcoal Grill the […]

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The Off-Grid ‘Survival Secret’ To Warm Winter Feet

Wool Insoles In winter, and throughout the year, keeping warm is essential to your work. When you are comfortable from head to toe, you’ll be able to weather conditions longer and get more done. But in extreme conditions it can be difficult to keep your feet warm. It takes a while for blood to circulate […]

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The Simple Way To Start A Fire In The Snow

starting a fire Wintertime is the hardest time to survive. A combination of the weather and the lack of readily available food have caused many a hearty soul to lose their lives through the years. Proper preparation and care are necessary to survive. If there ever was a time when you need a fire, it’s […]

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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Pelosi Blocks Trump’s “State Of The Union” Speech

Update: Well that did not take long. A few hours after President Trump told Speaker Pelosi he would accept her earlier invitation to deliver his SOTU speech in the House, daring the House Democratic leader to rescind her invitation, the Democrat leader responded angrily doing just that, and blocking the President from delivering his annual […]

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Supreme Court Allows Trump To Temporarily Enforce Trans Soldiers Ban

The Supreme Court announced Tuesday that it will allow President Donald Trump to temporarily enforce restrictions on transgender individuals serving in the military. As is typical of orders of this nature, the Court gave no reason for its decision, though Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan noted their dissent. “We […]

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Winter Storms And Wholesale Solar Generators

Lots of power outages last week as a big storm moved through the entire country. Some unfortunate fatalities and all kinds of flight cancellations nationwide. But on the power outage side, tens of thousands lost their power, and quite a few are still without power as of this morning: 23,000 customers in Pennsylvania11,000 in Connecticut30,000 […]

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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

5 Homestead Kitchen Tools I Can’t Live Without

Real life is always more interesting than the polished version, don’t you think? Which is why I can’t help but smile when I look at this very real life shot of my kitchen… Flour on the counter, dishes drying by the sink, and baskets everywhere… (always too many baskets and bowls). Mine is a working […]

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Driver rescues 34 kids from a burning school bus, SC fire department says

A school bus caught fire after a crash with a car in Darlington County, South Carolina Tuesday morning, according to the Palmetto Rural Fire Department. “A special shout out to the bus driver who got all the kids off the bus! No one was seriously injured in this incident!” the department said on Facebook. There […]

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5 Ways Weather Stations Can Benefit Your Garden

Have you ever had a season where you feel like you do everything right, but the weather just doesn’t cooperate with you? Weather plays an important role in gardening. Vegetables and flowers aren’t going to grow without water and sunlight. At the same time, high winds and frost can be devastating to some plants. With […]

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12 Unique Cures For The Winter Blues

winter blues The Christmas season is over, and with that, the winter blues are officially here. Winter tends to cause us to slow down, spend more time indoors and can even subconsciously cause a period of sadness or depression. Generally, when you’re feeling not like yourself when winter arrives, it is due to Seasonal Affective […]

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20 Home Remedies for Depression

At many points in your life, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed and distraught. While this is a natural part of being human (and keep in mind that it’s actually not healthy to not feel down every now and then!), being continually down-in-the-dumps could signal a more pressing underlying condition. If your sadness hangs around […]

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Monday, January 21, 2019

The Right Way To Treat Frostbite In Chickens

Frostbite In Chickens Frostbite can take place within minutes of flesh being exposed to wet, cold temperatures – and it can impact your chickens, too. Chickens do have a covering of feathers to keep them warm, but their legs, feet, comb and wattles are left completely exposed. These areas are the most common places for […]

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‘Super blood Moon’ eclipse stuns in remarkable pictures

Skywatchers have been enjoying a rare ‘super blood Moon’ as the Earth’s natural satellite turned a stunning shade of red. The celestial event, which is also this year’s only total lunar eclipse, generated plenty of buzz. “Visible for its entirety in North and South America, this eclipse is referred to by some as a super […]

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Composting 101: The Basics of Turning Scraps into Nutrients for Your Garden

Welcome to composting 101 – the basics of creating a happy compost pile. If you've tried composting in the past with no luck, or if you are new to the process, you'll find everything you need to know to get going. Composting is the biological foundation of every garden, whether manmade or natural. The process […]

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Here’s What We Can Learn From Brexit Doomsday Preppers In The UK

Ultimately, every American can learn from Britain’s Brexit doomsday preppers. Brexit doomsday preppers are preparing for a total economic collapse in the United Kingdom. Chiefly, the Brexit doomsday preppers fear food shortages and empty supermarket shelves. In addition, many Brexit doomsday preppers fear shortages of medicines and even pet food, The Guardian reports. Notably, the […]

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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Here’s The Quickest Way To Grow Indoor Food This Winter

Growing Sprouts: The Quickest Way To Grow Indoor Food This Winter The benefit of growing sprouts, particularly in winter when most garden vegetables are dormant, goes far beyond their flavor. An excellent indoor crop, sprouts pack a lot of nutritional punch for their tiny size, including many of the vitamins, minerals and protein needed in […]

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Starting Seeds, The Easy And Smart Way

starting seeds If you are planning on finally getting your garden started come spring, you might be surprised that some of your planting actually should begin when it’s extremely cold out. Indoor planting, that is. Seed-starting indoors has numerous benefits for all zones. It increases the success of your plants since they get a pretty […]

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Largest single group of migrants ever tunnels under border wall in Arizona, says Border Protection

The largest single group of asylum seekers ever to cross into the U.S. tunneled beneath the border wall near San Luis, Arizona, on Monday, voluntarily turning themselves into Customs and Border Protection, according to the agency. Migrants can be seen marching toward Border Patrol agents by the hundreds, according to video obtained by ABC News. […]

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Buying Seeds Strategically: A Frugal Gardener’s Guide to Ordering Seeds

I love it when seed catalogs start showing up in my mailbox. The delicious details, the incredible photos or drawings, and all those heirloom varieties make me want to read my catalogs like novels — word by word, with rapt attention. Oh, the romance of it all! It's way too easy to fall in love […]

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Saturday, January 19, 2019

How The ‘Farm Effect’ Keeps Kids From Getting Sick

How The ‘Farm Effect’ Keeps Kids From Getting Sick | Image source: My children are almost never sick. They usually end up at the doctor’s office because they hurt themselves. My wife and I have taught them the value of cleanliness and good personal hygiene, but we don’t rush them to the house every […]

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Buy One/Get One Freedom Lantern Sale

I guess it was about five years ago now. My wife and I lived out in a rural and secluded area in Illinois where we could have a large garden and didn’t have to worry about our four young children running out into the street (or getting into any other sort of trouble). But when […]

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Growing Brussel Sprouts: A Complete Guide to Plant, Grow and Harvest Brussel Sprouts

Roasted, fried, microwaved or boiled, just the thought of the nutty, cabbage-like flavor of Brussel sprouts has my mouth watering. While they're delicious from the store, there's something so much better about growing Brussel sprouts in your own garden. Watching the little heads mature into the familiar balls is extremely rewarding. The Brussel sprout plant […]

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How to Grow Calendula in Your Garden

With multiple medicinal and culinary uses, calendula is a popular plant known for its bright yellow and orange flowers. This gorgeous bloom follows the direction of the sun throughout the day, just like sunflowers, and offers a sunny addition to any home garden. Also known as English marigolds or pot marigolds, these plants are known […]

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High Drug Prices Spell Trouble For Hospitals And Patients Across America

90% of hospital administrators disclose that they are using alternative treatments due to high drug prices. Over 90% of U.S. hospitals admit to cutting or changing care because of high drug prices. Moreover, high drug prices are forcing hospitals to cut staff to get money for medicine. Specifically, drug prices grew by 18.5%, between 2015 […]

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Friday, January 18, 2019

Off-Grid, Salt-Free Alternatives To Chemical Deicers

rock salt Winter brings to mind wonderful visions of snow-covered fields, perfectly round snowballs and ice skating. It also brings memories of scraping ice off of car windshields, shoveling sidewalks and desperately trying to keep your footing on slippery walks from the house to the car. If you have ever experienced an early morning of […]

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Surviving Without The Government: What If It Never Came Back?

What if something so bad happened that the entire government shut down? Perhaps surviving without the government would be tougher than many of us may think. As I sit here writing this, the government is shut down. I know you’ve probably heard about it and if you’re like me, you’re wondering what’s the big deal. […]

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The Right Way To Teach A Child To Shoot

teach a child to shoot I love my kids. The energy they bring to our home, the warm embraces I receive every morning when they wake, and the joy of watching them learn and grow. All of these things make life beautiful. I want them to grow up knowing the Lord, following God, valuing life, […]

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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Asteroids are smacking Earth twice as often as before

Giant rocks from space are falling from the sky more than they used to, but don’t worry. For the past 290 million years, large asteroids have been crashing into Earth more than twice as often as they did in the previous 700 million years, according to a new study in Thursday’s journal Science . But […]

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Think Outside The Shack: Designing A Homemade Ice-Fishing Shelter

ice-fishing shelter If you live far enough north that lakes or rivers freeze over winter, it makes sense to fish all winter long when the bounty is available through the ice. While you can go out on the ice without a shelter and fish on a fair day, you will get more fishing days in […]

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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Maxine Waters’ Anti-Gun Agenda: More Craziness Ahead

In essence, Maxine Waters can stop gun sales and ban firearms without even implementing gun control laws. Congresswoman Maxine Waters can stop gun sales in her new position as Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee. Waters’ committee has the power to pressure financial institutions to stop doing business with firearms companies. For example, Waters’ […]

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Trump Orders 46,000 Furloughed Federal Workers To Return To Work

As the partial government shutdown enters its 26th day, President Trump has ordered thousands of furloughed government workers to return to work – knowing that they will not be paid until after the shutdown ends – to restart government functions like inspecting planes, auctioning off offshore drilling rights, monitoring food safety and issuing tax refunds. […]

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Loves Gun Control

Predictably, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez loves gun control but has no love for the National Rifle Association (NRA). As you might expect, Democratic rock star Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez loves gun control. The Queens Congresswoman, who is also known as “AOC,” likes to make questionable statements about guns. For instance, on February 18, 2018, she tweeted “AR-15s cost […]

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Growing Hazelnuts: Your Complete Guide to Planting, Growing and Harvesting Hazelnuts

For some of us, winter wouldn't be complete without hazelnuts. Baked with herbs, roasted on an open fire, or crushed over a chocolate cake, the buttery crunch is hard to beat. They aren't just good during the holidays, though. Nuts are a good source of protein to have around, and they store nicely for a […]

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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

US Navy moves toward unleashing killer robot ships on the world’s oceans

WASHINGTON — The world’s largest navy has spent the last few years feeling like it was being put in check. China and Russia have heavily invested in anti-access technologies aimed at holding its main force-projection assets — aircraft carriers — at risk. Now the U.S. Navy and the upper ranks of the military are preparing […]

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How to Start Homesteading When You Feel Overwhelmed

Expansive veggie gardens. Flocks of laying hens. Chicken coop construction. Milk goats. Home baked bread. Just the normal to-do list for the average modern person in 2019, right? Hahahahahaha. Haha. HA. Overwhelm is a THING when one embarks upon this homesteading gig… Having one foot planted in the 21st century while adopting homestead practices from […]

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New Website Lets You Get Paid To Watch TV – Here’s Why

HypeHop enables you to get paid to watch TV because your attention is valuable to them. Believe it or not, a new website lets you get paid to watch TV. In particular, HypeHop pays 0.0001 Bitcoin (38¢) each time somebody watches a video at its site. All a person needs to do to get paid […]

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Hydroponic Systems 101 and Choosing the Perfect System for You

Hydroponics is growing more and more popular among home gardeners and self-sufficient lifestyle enthusiasts, and for good reason. You can grow more herbs, veggies, and fruits in a smaller area and with far less water using hydroponic systems than you can with soil-based techniques. Because you are growing in a closed environment, you don't have […]

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LA Teachers Go On Strike For First Time In 30 Years

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — As powerful rains pummeled the Southland Monday, thousands of Los Angeles Unified School District teachers weren’t in their classrooms – instead they were outside, picketing with parents and students in the first teacher strike in 30 years. In the first walkout since 1989, the 30,000 teachers represented by United Teachers of […]

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Monday, January 14, 2019

State Labels All Semiautomatic Rifles As Assault Weapons

Gun control advocates apparently believe that declaring all semiautomatic rifles as assault weapons makes it easier to ban and regulate firearms. A new law in Washington State labels all semiautomatic rifles “assault weapons.” To elaborate, Initiative Measure 1639 (I-1639) declares any rifle that ejects cartridges to be an assault weapon, critics charge. Gun controllers apparently […]

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Entertainment Workers In Hollywood Now Living In Vans

Entertainment workers in Hollywood live in vans because zoning, bureaucrats, local governments, and homeowner groups block any effort to construct apartments. Housing is so expensive in Southern California that scriptwriters, actors, grips, and other entertainment industry workers now live in vans. In fact, so many people are living in vans there are social media groups […]

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These 33 Natural Remedies Will Help You Beat Bronchitis

Bronchitis is a bothersome condition, marked by coughing, excessive mucus production, a tight chest and shortness of breath. It’s not a great way to start the season, but many people experience bronchitis on an annual basis around the start of fall or winter. This form of bronchitis, known as chronic bronchitis, will generally continue to […]

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8 Mood Boosting Foods To Help You Beat The Winter Blues

8 Mood Boosting Foods To Help You Beat The Winter Blues | Image source: If you are like most people, the shorter daylight hours and dreary weather of winter can sometimes get you down. Less sunlight and fewer opportunities for outdoor exercise can combine to make you feel sluggish. But did you know you […]

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Sunday, January 13, 2019

3 Off-Road ‘Bugout Vehicles’ That Will Get You Out Of Dodge … Fast

Off-Road ‘Bugout Vehicles’ That Will Get You Out Of Dodge I’m positive that there are quite a few of us who look upon our plush suburban surroundings and deep down, we know that if things go bad, then we’ve got to roll. I know this, because I’m also in such a situation. While I don’t […]

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Put Meat On The Table Fast With This Unique Small Game Snare Strategy

When it comes to surviving in the wild, a quality small game snare strategy is essential for getting the food that you need. The typical bug out bag has a measly three days worth of food in it, a figure that has always bothered me. I mean, does anyone really think they’re going to get […]

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Plan the Perfect Canning Garden to Save Yourself Tons of Time and Money

We all know that canning is a great way to preserve an abundant harvest, but for some of us, it can be an irregular proposition. For years, I approached canning as a way to save garden produce that my family couldn't eat before it spoiled. Now, I know how much better it is to plan […]

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Do You Know Your Family History? Third Of Americans Can’t Even Name All 4 Grandparents, Survey Finds

How much do you know about your family tree? For many folks, it’s not very much. A recent survey finds that a third of Americans can’t even name all four of their grandparents, incredibly. While DNA kits that trace one’s ancestry have surged in popularity over the years, there are still plenty of people who […]

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Saturday, January 12, 2019

NASA captures image of ‘apocalypse asteroid’ that could strike Earth

The US space agency snapped the image of 500metre-wide Bennu using its spacecraft OSIRIS-Rex during its orbit of the space rock. The 1,600ft rock – situated between Earth and Mars – weighs 87 million tonnes and is currently orbiting the sun. In the snap, Bennu can be seen looming on the right, while Earth and […]

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Natural Weed Killer Recipes to Save Your Garden and the Environment

Let's face it, weeds are part of every gardener's life. The dreaded plants complete with our gardens for nutrients in the soil, they hog the sunlight, and they limit growth potential for our veggies. That's why controlling weeds is an integral part of every gardener's master plan. While you might be tempted to pull out […]

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Megyn Kelly Leaves NBC With $30 Million Payout

Four months after struggling “Today Show” Host Megyn Kelly shocked co-host Al Roker and their studio audience by suggesting on-air that wearing blackface in the context of a Halloween custom was perfectly acceptable behavior “where I grew up”, the former Fox News prime-time star’s departure from the “mainstream” network has finally been finalized. According to […]

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5 All-Natural Brain-Boosting Foods You Really Need

brain boosting foods “You are what you eat” can very well apply to brain power, too, according to the latest research. But how do specific foods boost our memory? Let’s look into a few foods touted as memory boosters to understand exactly how they work: 1. Whole grains Our brains are singularly greedy for glucose […]

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46 Delightful Edible Flowers That Belong At Your Next Dinner Party

From savory gourmet meals to tasty sweet treats, edible flowers can take your culinary game next level. Flowers offer color, textural contrast, and are an unexpected element to use in your cooking. You can use edible flowers in your kitchen concoctions to add visual interest to a meal, to amp up the flavor in a […]

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Friday, January 11, 2019

CNN Cancels On San Diego TV Station After They Report Border Wall Works

A local San Diego television station said on Thursday that CNN invited them to provide a “local view” of the existing wall at the US-Mexico border, only to cancel after past reports from the station showed that the wall is an effective method of combating illegal immigration. “Thursday morning, CNN called the KUSI Newsroom asking […]

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Fire Preparedness on the Homestead

When I evacuated my family during the Yale Road fire, I will always remember the fire tornado headed straight for my homestead. I watched in horror as this massive-spinning nightmare tunnel headed straight for my house. A gust of wind came in and pushed it just by my home. It ended up burning down a […]

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7 All-Natural Homemade Cleaners — Straight From The Kitchen

homemade cleaners Let’s face it: House cleaning doesn’t usually make the list of favorite past times. And commercial cleaners often bring a whole list of concerns with them, from irritating your skin to concern for children and pets who may come into contact with them. But doing the weekend chores doesn’t have to mean using […]

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Growing Saffron: A Complete Guide to Planting and Taking Care of Saffron at Home

In college, I once was invited to a paella party. I had no idea what paella was. But since all we had to do was pitch in $5 for ingredients – I was in! The paella pan was the size of an oven top. Calamari, other fish, and cubes of rabbit, chicken, and pork all […]

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Hospitals Restrict Visitors to Curb Spread of Flu

AS FLU SEASON PICKS UP across the country, hospitals are restricting visitors in an effort to prevent spread of the virus. New York City and 19 states have experienced high levels of flu-like activity so far this season, with 1,562 lab-confirmed, flu-related hospitalizations as of Oct. 1, according to the Centers for Disease Control and […]

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112 Mason Jar Crafts That Will Spark a Creative Flair in You

I don't know about you but I am mason jar obsessed! I use them for their obvious use of storing things but also for mugs, for gifts, and I love to spend my weekend making mason jar crafts! They are easy to get your hands on, budget-friendly and super stylish. Mason jars come in all […]

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Thursday, January 10, 2019

5 Ways To Beat Old Man Winter And Grow Veggies During Cold Weather

cold weather gardening The beginning of winter need not be the end of your growing season. People are increasingly turning to homegrown food, and they don’t want to be put off by frost or a few inches of snow. There are several frost-hardy vegetables which will help you extend the season. For example, you can […]

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28 Medicinal Herbs You Need to Have in Your Garden

Herbs are the building blocks for tasty, delicious meals. Without them, food would be bland and unexciting. But have you considered all of the amazing health benefits you can get from consuming them? For centuries, people have turned to medicinal herbs to cure their ailments. Even though we may have chemical alternatives today, many of […]

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Public Schools And The Weaponization Of CPS

Homeschoolers have long battled against CPS and the school system for the right to educate their children. Aldous Huxley got a lot right when he wrote his iconic book, “Brave New World.” Like George Orwell did in “1984,” Huxley had some insight into a potential future; one which may very well be coming to visit […]

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State Puts Innocent People’s DNA In A National Database

A suit alleges that California is retaining hundreds of thousands of innocent people’s DNA analyses in a system known as CODIS. The state of California is putting innocent people’s DNA in a national database for law enforcement. Specifically, two groups allege California collects DNA from people arrested but never convicted of crimes. In addition, the […]

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How to Improve Garden Soil Fertility on the Cheap

It's pretty rare to start a garden out with rich, perfectly balanced soil. Most of us have to work at it. Knowing your soil fertility levels can make a big difference in your plant's productivity and health, though, so it's vital to get it right. Don't let all that talk about alkaline soil and phosphorus […]

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Wednesday, January 9, 2019

French protesters want to set off bank run with withdrawals

Activists from a French protest movement encouraged supporters Wednesday to set off a bank run by emptying their accounts, while the government urged citizens to express their discontent in a national debate instead of weekly demonstrations disrupting the streets of Paris. Activists from the yellow vest movement, which started with protests over fuel tax increases, […]

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How To Stay Warm In The Field

Staying Warm In The Field It was first light in January, and we were unloading snowmobiles at the caretaker’s house at the Taylor Park Dam in Colorado. We were almost ready to fire up the sleds when the caretaker came out and asked, “Do you guys realize it’s sixty-one below?” It seemed a little chillier […]

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Row Covers: The Key to Protecting Your Garden

You’re driving down the road, and you see your neighbor’s beautiful garden. Only this time, it looks a little different. This time, there are little white floating tunnels. If you’ve been gardening for long, you may know precisely what these floating tunnels are. If not, you may be confused. These are called row covers. They’re […]

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Gas Tax Riots In France: More Trouble With Climate Change Regulations

The “Yellow Vest” gas tax riots could be the beginnings of revolutionary upheaval in France. Gas tax riots are rocking France as many observers blame the unrest on efforts to fight climate change. In particular, thousands of “Yellow Vest” rioters have been terrorizing Paris and other cities for nearly two months. The Yellow Vest rioters […]

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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

20 Simple Ways to Save Money on Chicken Feed

If you are raising chickens for meat or eggs, you might wonder if it is really worth it. The cost of buying quality, commercial feed from a chain store or feed store is certainly higher than the cost of a few dozen eggs from your grocery store. It can be expensive to feed your flock […]

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Muslims Claim Discrimination In Jail?

Muslims claim discrimination because Riverside Regional Jail in Virginia denies them access to religious materials and clergy. Muslims are claiming discrimination in a Virginia jail because officials allegedly gave Christians special treatment there. Specifically, the Muslims claim discrimination because a ministry gave Christian prisoners Bibles and writing materials. In addition, Muslims claim discrimination because jailers […]

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How I Grocery Shop for Organic Foods in a Rural Area

Oh Wyoming… I love you, but you sure can be frustrating when it comes to grocery shopping sometimes… Walmarts and traditional grocery stores abound, but if organic foods are your jam, well, things get a little more complicated… I figured I surely can’t be the only one who has to get a little extra creative […]

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Ginsburg misses second day at Supreme Court

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was absent from the Supreme Court bench for the second day in a row on Tuesday. Chief Justice John Roberts noted Ginsburg’s absence when the justices took their seats for the second time in the new year. Repeating what he said Monday, Roberts said Ginsburg is “unable to be present” for […]

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Monday, January 7, 2019

5 Super-Fast Indoor Vegetables You Can Grow In About A Month

5 Super-Fast Indoor Vegetables You Can Grow In About A Month Winter gardening is good for the mind. It keeps us thinking and learning new things, which helps our brains stay alert, healthy and young. But gardening can be hard when there is a foot of snow covering the garden. Have you ever thought about […]

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Use Cloches to Add Charm, History, and Functionality to Your Garden

I started gardening as a way to add beauty to my landscape. Then, several years ago I got worried about the quality of food I got from the grocery store. So, I quickly transitioned from growing herbs and flowers to growing food on a feed-a-family scale. At first, it was so time-consuming and complicated to […]

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Sunday, January 6, 2019

Police Spread Fake News To Catch Illegal Drug Dealers

Police Spread Fake News To Trick Drug Users Police spread fake news about the Zika Virus to fight drugs in Louisiana. Surprisingly, Police Chief Walker actually admits lying about the Zika Virus as a strategy to get meth off the street. “If you have recently purchased meth in any area of Louisiana it may be […]

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Wounded tiger ‘finds humans to ask for help’ after being injured

A wounded tiger has amazed wildlife experts by coming out of the wild to seek human help after he was wounded. The tiger, known as Tikhon, suddenly appeared at a remote Russian border post on the frontier with China over the New Year period, and refused to leave. Even when the border guards – part […]

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Super Wealthy be Taxed Up to 70% to Fund ‘Green New Deal’

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sat with Anderson Cooper for an upcoming 60 Minutes interview set to air this Sunday, a portion of which has been released as a promotion. In the released segment, Ocasio-Cortez reveals how exactly she suggests paying for the environmental agenda known as the “Green New Deal” — with remarkably higher tax rates […]

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Saturday, January 5, 2019

Marine Corps integrates male and female platoons during boot camp for the first time

For the first time in its history, the Marine Corps will integrate female and male platoons during boot camp. Unlike the other services, the Marine Corps has not fully integrated women and men during recruit training. Instead, at Recruit Depot Parris Island in South Carolina, the first three battalions are all-male, while the fourth battalion […]

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105 Cleverly Creative DIY Planters to Showcase Your Plants

Are you a plant hoarder? It's okay! Me too! I can't get enough of those tall tropical beauties, the tiny succulent amigos or the beautiful colors of spring flowers! While some people spend their money on new clothes or going out to the cinema, I seem to come home with another cactus every week! My […]

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