Friday, May 31, 2019

Thinning Fruit Trees the Right Way for a Bountiful Harvest

When we moved to our current farm, I was blown away by the gorgeous older fruit trees we had on the property. At our previous farm, we were still in the early stages of growing our orchard. This meant I had to fast forward and learn what must be done to keep this established orchard […]

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Thursday, May 30, 2019

The 3 Best Ways To Protect Your Garden Soil From Storm Erosion

Excess rain can cause soil erosion in your garden Have you been preparing your soil for growing vegetables and other crops in your garden, only to see it washed away in storms? The valuable time and energy you spend – and the compost and manure you are layering into your garden beds — should be […]

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How to Grow Bay Leaves

There’s nothing quite like a crunchy bay leaf to lend a savory flavor to your soups, stews, or stir fries. If you’re familiar with growing herbs and are looking for a more challenging option, you might want to consider growing the bay leaf plant. Also known as bay laurel, sweet bay, and laurel, this plant […]

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The Ancient Superfood That Lowers Cholesterol, And Improves Digestion

Flax Seeds They may be little but they are quite powerful. Flax seeds have been around for thousands of years and are still topping the charts as a delicious and nutritious superfood. Sometimes referred to as linseeds, these little brown gems contain the richest sources of plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids (sometimes called alpha-linolenic acid – […]

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Growing Sage: The Complete Guide to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Sage

On any given year, you'll find me growing sage all over my property because it's one of my favorite herbs. It's indispensable in cooking, but there's much more to this wonderful plant than just dinner. Sage has antiseptic properties and can be used to treat cuts, sores, and ulcers. It aids the digestion of fats, […]

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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Most Important Survival Item You Didn’t Buy

Image source: You might have a decent stockpile, a few guns and maybe even a small garden. Whatever the case, none of it will save you in a crisis without THIS. Right now, there is just one way to still get it. And it will soon be gone as well. The most important survival […]

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5 Tips To Attract Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds are beautiful and entertaining to watch. While some gardeners can go years without ever seeing sight of tiny hummingbirds, most of us can agree that these curious little birds are often buzzing around us while we are working in the garden. Not only are hummingbirds delightfully sweet and small, but there are some really […]

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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Cory Booker Is All In On A National Gun Licensing Program

Cory Booker’s national gun licensing proposal is a desperate bid to save his dying presidential campaign. (Photo Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-New Jersey) proposes national gun licensing as part of his presidential campaign. In essence, Booker wants all Americans to get a federal license to buy a gun. Specifically, you will […]

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How to Garden in a Cold Climate

It’s mid-May. The grass is green. We had snow last week. The neighbors north of us got four inches of HAIL a couple days ago. And this is totally normal. There’s really no sense complaining about it, since that’s just how we roll in Wyoming. But hey, I figured this is perfect timing, so let’s […]

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Time-Tested Essential Oils That Insects Simply Hate

Essential oils that repel insects Insect bites can put a damper on even the most beautiful spring and summer night. Unfortunately, so can the intense aroma and harmful effects of insect repellents. Thankfully, there are essential oils that repel insects, allowing you to enjoy the outdoors. Essential oils can provide a safe and natural way […]

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What is a Walipini Greenhouse and Do You Need One?

I have a lovely greenhouse situated adjacent to an irrigation pond, in a micro-climate protected from the worst winds by trees. Between the pond and the North side of the greenhouse, I have a lemon and an olive tree, winter greens, and seed starts. I manage to keep this area above freezing about 11 months […]

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Caramelized Onions – Easy Recipe

There is no rushing the making of caramelized onions as it is a reaction that occurs when pyrolysis occurs – the word comes from the Greek meaning fire (pyr) and separating (lysis). When the onion is heated, the cells within the onion containing the plant sugars – the polysaccharides and disaccharides – undergo a change […]

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Monday, May 27, 2019

5 Common Gardening Myths Debunked (Backed with Research and Experience)

I am one of those gardeners who experiments a lot. Now, I'm not a scientist, and I don't hold myself to the scientific standard. That's because, at the end of the day, my garden must grow enough food for me to live on for most of the year. Regardless, I read as much scientific research […]

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Friday, May 24, 2019

Test Your Garden Soil With This Easy Do It Yourself Kit

If you’re new to gardening, testing your soil might seem difficult. You could purchase a soil pH testing kit from a nursery or garden center, but they often come with a big price tag. And they aren’t always reliable. Another option is to have your local Cooperative Extension Office test your soil for pH levels […]

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Thursday, May 23, 2019

Bernie Wants To Destroy Charter Schools

Sanders plans to deprive charter schools of tax money Leading Democratic presidential contender, US Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) wants to destroy charter schools. Bernie “wants to destroy the best schools poor urban kids have,” the liberal Intelligencer charges. In fact, the Intelligencer claims, “the best-managed charter systems produce dramatically better outcomes for low-income urban children, […]

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How to Prepare Your Flower Beds for Spring

The weather is starting to warm up, and while you may be focusing all your efforts on preparing your vegetable gardens and animal pastures for spring, make sure you don’t overlook your flower beds. Everybody wants a touch of color on the homestead, and flower beds are also beneficial in that they attract pollinators and […]

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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

AI Surveillance Of Shoppers: Walmart’s Newest Tool To Grab Your Data

Walmart’s AI surveillance of shoppers is yet another chapter in the ongoing fight for consumer data protection in America. (Photo Credit: Mike Mozart / CC BY 2.0 / (MGN)) Walmart is beginning to use AI surveillance of shoppers on Long Island in a move that is bound to generate some major privacy concerns. In particular, […]

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Well, Venezuela Is Done…

Socialism has destroyed yet another country… As I’m writing this, Venezuelans are eating dogs, cats and pigeons. The lucky ones get some supplies (after waiting in line for hours on end, that is). They may have water (rain water, I guess), but the food is gone, not to mention other supplies. How did this happen […]

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How to Start a Cut Flower Bed in Your Vegetable Garden

I've been growing herbs and vegetables for years. I also grow a lot of perennial flowers and self-seeding annual flowers to keep my pollinator population happy. But, I have never grown flowers to cut for bouquets. Now though, I've been on my current homestead 5 years. I have finally arrived at the point where I […]

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Catnip – Uses for People and Cats – Weekly Weeder #19

Cats love catnip, but did you know humans can use it too? We’ll share catnip identification, uses and benefits, plus tips on safe and fun use for kitty. What is catnip? Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is also known as catnep, catmint, catrup, catswort. It’s a perennial herb that’s a member of the mint family. Many people […]

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Save Lives By Being Prepared For Dangerous Communications “Blackouts”

An encrypted radio is one of many ways to cope with dangerous communications blackouts. Communications security or “COMSEC” as the military calls it, is just as important for those of us who want to survive whatever comes our way as it is for the military. The big problem for us though is that buying the […]

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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Music for Plants – What Helps Plants Grow and What Doesn’t

We know plants don't have ears, so how can playing music for plants help them grow? It's all about the vibration. We'll share what music works best for plant growth based on studies and experiments in our own garden. Plant Music? Really? When reading The Secret Life of Plants, I discovered Sonic Bloom – musical […]

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Is A Catastrophic Food Shortage Coming To America And The World?

Will excessive flooding in the Midwestern United States contribute to a worldwide and catastrophic food shortage? Extreme weather could create a catastrophic food shortage in America. In fact, people all over the world could starve because of destructive weather in the American Midwest. In fact, catastrophic weather is destroying vast amounts of food in America’s […]

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30+ Ways to Use a Whole Chicken

(Photo Credit: Lindsay Linton Buk/Linton Productions) What is up with America’s fascination with chicken breasts? If you thumb through most cookbooks or Pinterest, you’d quickly come to the conclusion that that chickens don’t even have other edible parts. The vast majority of recipes are suspiciously absent of wings, thighs, or drumsticks in the ingredient lists. […]

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10 Flowers That Will Attract Colorful Butterflies To Your Garden

Butterflies are attracted to many different flowers Butterflies — those small, beautiful “flying flowers” of nature — are always a welcome sight in our gardens and herald the coming of summer. Their unique and colorful designs inspire artists and enchant children. How do we encourage butterflies to visit our garden? By having a variety of […]

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Common Blue Violet – Soothing Medicine, Inside and Out

Common blue violets (Viola sororia) are perennial wildflowers native to North America. A folklore favorite, these bright little plants are also rich in nutrition and soothing medicine. Other Names Common Blue Violet is also known as Pansy, Heart's Ease, Jump-Up, Wild Pansy, Hens and Roosters, kiss-me-at-the-gate. Other names include purple, wood, sweet, English, common, trinity, […]

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Solar Extension Cords – BOGO

Buy One Solar Extension Cord Get One Free Double your solar extension cords! You’ll get a free extension cord for each cord you purchase. If you need different connectors on your second cord, simply let us know on your order. 48 Hours Only! The post <span style="color:#ff0000">Solar Extension Cords – BOGO</span> appeared first on Off […]

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Monday, May 20, 2019

Homemade Hummingbird Food Recipe and the Best Feeder

Get a simple homemade hummingbird food recipe and an easy to clean feeder, plus tips for safe feeding and attracting more hummers to your yard. Save time and money and keep your hummers health by avoiding the red food coloring and hard to clean feeders. Homemade Hummingbird Food Recipe – Hummingbird Nectar Ingredients: Maintain a […]

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How To Prepare For A Tornado To Keep Your Family Safe

A tornado is very unpredictable. You can never perfectly prepare for a tornado outbreak. Even those who live in areas coined “Tornado Alley” prepare as well as they can and then, when an outbreak happens, they pray that they and their families are one of the lucky ones to survive. Why have outlooks been so […]

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How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Winter Squash

Colorful, unique, and easy to grow, winter squash is one of the most popular types of vegetables grown in gardens all over the world. A nutritious and delicious crop, winter squash has a long storage life, allowing you to keep it with minimal care for many months without having to worry about spoilage. Luckily, growing […]

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Rhubarb Bread Recipe with Fresh Rhubarb, Cinnamon and Yogurt

This easy rhubarb bread recipe combines fresh rhubarb, yogurt and a touch of cinnamon for a moist, delicious loaf. If you're a fan of quick breads, you'll want to add this recipe to your list. Harvesting Rhubarb Botanically, rhubarb is a vegetable, but it's most commonly used in sweet recipes such as pies and preserves. […]

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How to Use a Broadfork to Promote Good Drainage in Your Garden

Just about every article I read about starting a garden says to choose a location with good drainage. But what does ‘good drainage' even mean? Honestly, as a gardener, it took me a long time to figure what good drainage looked like and how to have it in my garden. But now, I pretty much […]

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Sunday, May 19, 2019

Everything You Need To Know Growing White Sage for Smudging

White sage is a desert native, but thanks to a rise in popularity of the practice of smudging, more people are interested in raising the attractive herb in their neck of the woods. If you don't live in a desert climate, you may have wondered if you can succeed at growing white sage, but never […]

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Saturday, May 18, 2019

Your One And Only Chance To Uncover These Lost Secrets

I just wanted to let you know that we are making available The Lost Ways 2 for a limited number of people. In the Lost Ways 2 you’ll discover almost all edible and medicinal plants in North America, including a powerful painkiller, a driveway antibiotic weed, a back-pain relief plant, and a lot more… This […]

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Growing Marjoram: The Complete Guide to Plant, Grow, & Harvest Marjoram

No herb garden is complete without growing marjoram. It adds flavor and scent to your garden (not to mention your kitchen). Butterflies and other helpful insects flock to marjoram, making it a great companion plant. You can quickly pinpoint marjoram in the garden. It reaches 1-2 feet tall with square stems and grey-green leaves. Small, […]

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Friday, May 17, 2019

3 Forgotten Ways The Pioneers Built Fires Without Wood

Image source: Library of Congress I’m fortunate to call the windswept prairie of the Great Plains my home. If you get out of farm country, it’s just grass as far as you can see. In fact, there are still places nearly unchanged since pioneers first tried settling this area more than 100 years ago. Although […]

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How to Identify and Get Rid of Cutworms From Your Garden

Have you noticed your garden isn’t thriving like you’d hoped it would? Does it appear as though something is attacking your plants from the ground up? Then you may have a cutworm problem. I’m going to walk you through how to recognize cutworms, prevent them from establishing themselves in your garden, and also how to […]

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Build Your Own Beehives With The Garden Beehive Construction Guide 2.0

Interested in getting your own backyard beehive? Don’t know where to start? What would you think if I told you that you can build your own beehive for less than the cost of a dinner for two at your favorite restaurant? It’s true! Nick Winters shows you how to do it in Garden Hive Construction […]

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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Looming Fire Danger May Lead To Another Round Of California Blackouts

California blackouts and deadly mega-fires will present major challenges out west during the summer months. Millions of homes could lose electricity to California blackouts this summer because of fire danger. This is because bankrupt utility company Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) plans to shut power off on high-wind days. The hope is that turning off […]

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Spring Gardening Tricks That Will Stop Summer Weeds

A little extra work in the spring can prevent a lot of weeds later in the year. It’s a story most gardeners know all too well. We start off the growing season with a blank palette of natural soil in an atmosphere of spring optimism, always confident that this will be the best garden season […]

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Growing Onions: The Complete Guide to Plant, Care, and Harvest Onions

I love to cook, so naturally, onions are always somewhere in my pantry or fridge. Red, yellow, white, and gourmet varieties have all found their way into my dishes at one point or another. I can’t recall the last time I cooked and didn’t chop up an onion. I love onions raw, cooked, and caramelized. […]

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Morel Mushrooms: Tips For Hunting Them This Spring

Morel mushroom hunting season is here. The time for morel mushroom hunting is upon us. The temperatures are starting to rise, and signs of spring are popping up all around us. That means morel mushroom season is here as well. Morel mushrooms are a delicacy, selling for hundreds of dollars per pounds. They are a […]

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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Honeybees Dying? You Can Help By Starting Your Own Hive

We should all be concerned about honeybees dying. Honeybees pollinate more than 100 crops, from apples to zucchini. The world has watched honeybees dying in the millions since 2006. Though there have been news reports concerning this crisis for the last 12 years, a majority of people still aren’t tuned in to the actual scope […]

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Healthy Garden Fruits and Vegetables to Plant to Match Your Diet

Do you grow a garden every year? Are you under the impression everything you grow in your garden is healthy for you? We hear the term ‘healthy foods' all the time but depending upon health conditions and food preparations – some foods may be better for us than others. I’m going to walk you through […]

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Want To Stop Brain Fog, Burn Out, And Mental Exhaustion?

If you’ve ever experienced brain fog, moodiness, burn out, or even mental exhaustion, this could be one of the most important messages you’ll ever read. Here’s why. If you’re like me, clarity, focus, and fluidity of thought are extremely important in your life. We all know how alert we become after the first cup of […]

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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

10 Brain-Boosting Foods That Just Might Make You Smarter (You’re Gonna Love No. 6)

Image source: We have all heard the phrase, “you are what you eat,” but did you know you that what you eat can make you smarter? In addition to helping your body stay healthy and strong, certain foods can help your brain work better and even protect against mental disorders. “Food is like a […]

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Upcycle Old Pallets to Make Beautiful Vertical Gardens

Old wooden shipping pallets make gorgeous, rustic vertical gardens with room for plenty of plants in a small space. Even apartment dwellers with nothing more than a balcony can use this idea to grow edibles, beautiful annuals, or both. Here is a nice video tutorial from Chef Janie on how to make one of these. […]

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Growing Plums: The Complete Guide to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Plums

Plums are my favorite fruits to eat, so it's lucky that they're one of the easier fruit trees to grow. Growing plums doesn't require as much work as, say, apples or cherries. There are also many different types of plums that take to a wide variety of climates, so there's likely one that will thrive […]

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Monday, May 13, 2019

How to Prevent Raspberry Worms

Move over, aphids. Your garden has a new pest that you’ll need to watch out for (and worry about!). If you have fruit plants, like raspberries, blackberries, grapes, blueberries, cherries, peaches, or strawberries, you may have heard of the raspberry worm. These nasty pests aren’t picky – in addition to raspberries, they’ll also infest the […]

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Are The Scary Looking Earwigs a Garden Pest or a Friend?

Have you ever heard the term ‘pincher bug?' This is a garden bug which is also known as an ‘earwig' or ‘Dermaptera' which can sometimes be considered a help to your garden and at other times be a nuisance. Earwigs are one of the creatures which live in your garden and depending upon the time […]

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Sunday, May 12, 2019

6 Encouraging Steps to Help You Overcome Gardening Failure

We’ve all heard the hero in a movie say, “Failure is not an option!” When it comes to homesteading and gardening failure is possible. If you’re someone who has tried to garden in the past only to have your gardening style fail, can I encourage you? Don’t give up! I had numerous gardens fail at […]

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Saturday, May 11, 2019

How to Spot and Get Rid of Aphids on Your Garden Plants

It’s gardening time! Let’s all break out our gardening boots and do a happy dance! The only downside to the gardening season is the pests which come along with it. There are many pests to be aware of, but aphids are one of the most common. I’m going to help you learn how to spot […]

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Today’s Gift-Turmeric… You In?

Image source: organiclifestylemagazine Turmeric has a lot of benefits as you may know. Especially if you can get it dirt cheap. Best one I think is as an anti-inflammatory. Some people claim weight loss, and even hair growth benefits for the stuff. (I’m not convinced) That said… for pain that comes from working outside… this […]

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Friday, May 10, 2019

Green Beret Reveals: 3 Shooting Hacks To Instantly Improve Your Accuracy

Did you know… You, me, and pretty much everyone else share ONE MAJOR HANDICAP that severely reduces our ability to fire a gun? I didn’t. Not until Brian Morris, a decorated Green Beret, opened my eyes to it. Fact is, few people know of this. The good part: once you realize what this handicap is, […]

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How to Plant, Grow and Harvest Cucumbers

Nothing says summer like biting into a light, refreshing cucumber or devouring a handful of crunchy pickles at your summer barbecue. Although most people would consider cucumbers to be a vegetable, they are technically considered to be a fruit. This fruit is probably the second most popular ‘vegetable’ in the United States. It is found […]

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Even Dog Walking Is Racist In Washington D.C. Now

So let’s get this straight: some woke intellectuals think that dog walking is racist because affluent whites who buy expensive inner-city apartments often own canines? Dog walking is racist at Washington D.C.’s Howard University. Furthermore, Howard students are now telling dog walkers to stay off campus. Specifically, dog walkers report that Howard students are harassing […]

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The Pros & Cons of 18 Gardening Methods and Which One is Right for You

We all want a beautiful veggie garden and be able to provide fresh edibles for our families, but choosing the best gardening method can be daunting. There are so many options out there and all have their pros and cons. We recently listed 18 gardening methods, but now we'll help you consider which is best […]

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Thursday, May 9, 2019

Robot Revolution: Is The American Workforce In Jeopardy?

As the robot revolution takes away more and more working-class jobs, could it lead to political unrest and riots? The ongoing robot revolution will kill many jobs forever. In fact, some experts are afraid robots, autonomous machines, and artificial intelligence will kill all jobs. For example, Futurism writer Dan Robitzski fears an “economic robot revolution” […]

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Growing Quinoa: A Complete Guide on How to Plant, Grow, & Harvest Quinoa

Quinoa is a pseudo-grain that is high in protein that has taken the world by storm. More people are turning to quinoa rather than rice in dishes because of its high protein, high fiber, gluten-free content. Vegetarians particularly love this plant and its versatility. If you eat quinoa often, you might notice that it's not […]

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The Lost Secrets Of Memorial Day

“A nation defines itself by the sequenced events of its history…” The post The Lost Secrets Of Memorial Day appeared first on Off The Grid News. This article first appeared on See it here

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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Growing Chili Peppers: The Complete Guide to Plant, Care, and Harvest Chilies

I love growing chili peppers in my garden. For me, they're practically a cash crop. One or two plants give me enough veggies for the season with plenty left to preserve, freeze, sell or give away. Chilies are the fiery cousin of tomatoes, so as you'd expect, they like similar conditions. Fresh or dried, chilies […]

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Raising Old-Fashioned Kids in a High Tech World

I’m not a mommy blogger. But you probably already knew that, huh? It’s partially because I have little interest in telling folks how to raise their kids when I’m still trying to figure out how to raise mine, and partially because my inspiration rarely flows when it comes to that stuff. I’ve never been one […]

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Many Preppers Will Die if They Don’t Do This…

Listen, I want to talk with you about the hottest topic in the survival community right now: how to build a stockpile. The reality is that most preppers will not bug out. They’ll hunker down and so should you… … but only if you have a solid stockpile of food, tools, gear and medicine. Don’t […]

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37 Common Plants That Are Poisonous to Dogs

Dogs are mans best friend. Or in my case, my dogs (there are four) are this woman’s best friends. We take good care of our fur babies and want them to be safe and healthy. We feed them the best food and take them in for regular visits to the vet, but we may not […]

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Unaired News Report Exposes MASSIVE Military Preparations All Across The US

Fellow patriot, It’s out in the open… >> Find out what he really wants << An investigative journalist delves deep into what’s really going on out west. And uncovers a massive 3 stage plot more sinister than 9/11… And it’s happening as you are reading this. Click Here to get full details. P.S. When stage […]

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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Discover A Remarkable Earthship Home In New Zealand

Nestled into a hillside in Waikato, New Zealand, this Earthship home is an incredibly gorgeous, off grid eco-retreat. It sits in a lush valley amidst a forest of trees, far from any city lights, with beaches a short drive away. Images via Airbnb – Grand Designs Earthship Te Timatanga With four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and […]

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How To Stockpile All The Water You’ll Ever Need

Image source: Of all the supplies we stockpile for emergencies, storing water is the most difficult. The biggest problem is the sheer volume of water that we need to stockpile in order to ensure that we will have enough to see us through an emergency. We use more water than any other single consumable. […]

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5 Ways to Improve Your Gardening Skills

I have met so many people who tell me they'd love to have a garden, but they have “black thumbs.” Then, they go on to tell me stories about all the plants they've managed to kill in their short gardening careers. Well, if you happen to be like these people and think you too have […]

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Monday, May 6, 2019

Wood Chips for Gardening – Everything You Need to Know

The first year on my homestead I struggled to keep up with yard work. Heavy winds often caused loose limbs and deadfall to litter my property. I’d spend hours cleaning up the brush every spring, piling it up and hauling it away to the brush pile at the landfill several miles away. Such a waste. […]

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Overlooked Repair Parts That Smart Preppers Stockpile

Survival Gear Once someone starts upon the road of preparedness, it seems never to end. The idea of actually having enough to get through any crisis may be something we all aspire to, but it’s an elusive goal. There’s really no way of knowing what will be enough, without knowing what sort of disaster we […]

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How to Add Nitrogen to Soil and Costly Mistakes to Avoid

Your garden has been growing for years, but your plants seem to be struggling more than you used to. Or maybe you've planted veggies in your usual spot this year, but they don't seem to be thriving as they have in years past. If these scenarios sound familiar, you might be facing a nitrogen shortage […]

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14 DIY Hanging Baskets to Display Your Floral Masterpieces

Are you on the hunt for a bargain when it comes to your hanging flower baskets? You’ve come to the right place. I’m going to walk you all around the internet and share some ideas on how you can make your home look fabulous this season with gorgeous DIY hanging baskets. Whether you’re looking to […]

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Saturday, May 4, 2019

May Gardening Tips and To-Do Lists by Planting Zone and Region

The years seem to zip by the older you get. Have you ever noticed this? Which is why we’ve turned around twice, and it’s already May! If you’re an avid gardener, you’re probably doing your happy dance because gardening is entering full swing now. Therefore, it’s important to stay on top of your gardening chores. […]

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Friday, May 3, 2019

NASA Can’t Hide This From The Public Anymore

Warning: This Is A Disturbing Video ! In a hurry ? Click Here To Watch It Now NASA cannot understand how the big energy companies didn’t manage to keep this hidden. Fortunately, they failed to take down this website.And now it’s spreading like wild fire all over the internet. Follow this link below to watch […]

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Growing Arugula: The Complete Guide to Plant, Care, and Harvest Arugula

Arugula, also known as rocket, is one of the most popular salad greens out there, and for a good reason. I've been growing arugula for years, and it's one of my favorites. Why do I like it so much? The young leaves are peppery and crisp, and the flowers, seeds, and oil are all edible. […]

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Thursday, May 2, 2019

Dirt 101: The Basics Of Nurturing Your Soil

Image source: I’m pretty much a novice gardener. While my dad could make a rock pile produce an abundant harvest, I can’t avoid killing silk plants. My thumb is black, not green! For instance, last year nothing produced in my raised beds and I couldn’t understand it. I mean, how hard is it? You […]

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13 Uses for Eggshells in the Garden

If you’ve got chickens, you’ve got egg shells. And if you’re anything like me, you eat a lot of eggs, so you end up with lots of egg shells. We eat a lot of fresh eggs for their excellent nutrition and protein. And after awhile, the egg shells can start to pile up. But don’t […]

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7 Common Household Items That Make For GREAT Garden Fertilizer

Image source: Self-sufficient gardeners avoid the use of pre-packaged fertilizers and soil from the store. While fertilizers are easy to use, off the grid living means a store isn’t always nearby, and you might not have the means to purchase the items. Chances are you have plenty of items in your house that can […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Soil Temperature and Why It Matters

It’s fitting that I’m writing about soil temperature when I’m living through one of the most unpredictable seasons in my region that I can remember. Spring is here, but you wouldn't know it. One day it’s warm and sunny, with the snow melting everywhere, and the next we’re faced with torrential rainstorms and freezing temps. […]

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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Student Flags Roommate With Bias Complaint For Watching Videos

The bizarre bias complaint for watching videos is just one of 35 similar issues on file at Michigan State. Students can receive a bias complaint for watching videos at Michigan State University (MSU). In detail, a student filed a bias complaint because a roommate watches Ben Shapiro videos. Moreover, Campus Fix alleges that a university […]

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Students Who Share Gun Photos Get Suspended In Social Media Frenzy

Students who attempt to share gun photos get suspended as teachers and parents now closely monitor kids’ social media use. A New Jersey high school is suspending students who share gun photos on social media. In fact, Lacey Township High School is punishing two students for posting gun pictures taken outside school hours. “I was […]

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