Saturday, June 29, 2019

Preparing A Homesteader Herbal First-Aid Kit

Aloe Vera Is A Must Have In Any Herbal First-Aid Kit I have a long history with conventional medicine and allergies. More than a handful of times, I ended up in the hospital due to a reaction from the treatment for an illness. Should the cure be worse than the illness? Well, my mother didn’t […]

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Friday, June 28, 2019

The Fast Growing Meat Goat You Won’t Ever Have To Feed

Kiko Goat: The Fast Growing Meat Goat You Do Not Have To Feed We homesteaders usually go for the Boers, Nubians and Spanish breeds when choosing the type of meat goats to raise. These goat varieties deliver the bulk and poundage we want when it’s time to sell them or use for our own consumption. […]

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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Marvelous Milkweed – Answers to 21 Common Questions

Milkweed is a “must have” for butterfly gardening, but the right milkweed plants are good for people, too. We’ll share answers to some of the most common questions about growing and using these beautiful native plants. What is a milkweed plant good for? Most people know that monarch butterflies rely on milkweed to survive, but […]

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Summer Solutions For Painful Insect Stings and Bites

Wasp stings are acidic which means an alkaline pain solution. Insect stings and bites can be painful. So can stings from many poisonous plants. Now that its summer, its important to have some alternative solutions for stings and bites. Some of this is because their venom or juice is either highly acidic or highly alkaline. […]

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5 Tips for a Bee Friendly Yard – Help Save the Bees

What can you do to help the bees? We'll share how to help save the bees and create a bee friendly yard for honey bees, bumble bees and native bees without spending a ton of money. Whether it's honey bees, bumblebees, mason bees or other native bees, we need our bees. Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) […]

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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

4 Best Reasons To Grow a Living Roof! Beautiful, Beneficial, Efficient, Green Living Rooftops

Planting a garden on your roof might sound strange, but rooftop vegetation can have a huge positive impact on the environment and on your bank account. A green roof, or living roof, is a roof that is covered in a layer of vegetation. Plants on a living roof can include sod, flowers, vegetables, succulents, or […]

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Monday, June 24, 2019

9 Tricks To Keep Your Garden Animal Free, Without A Fence

Rabbits can destroy a garden quickly. It is important to keep your garden animal free One of the joys of living off the grid is being able to see and enjoy sharing your property with abundant wildlife. While deer, raccoons, rabbits and other creatures are an enjoyable sight from a distance, they are another matter […]

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Home Security Plants That Will Deter Intruders

Some plants can provide an extra “layer” for extreme home security. If you’ve ever tangled with a berry patch or accidentally backed into a Spanish Dagger, then you know how painful they can be. When strategically placed, plants can act as an efficient form of home security defense without having to invest a lot of […]

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The Homesteader’s Guide to Prepping for Blackouts

Are you prepared for a power outage? A power outage could happen at any time due to weather, accidents, terrorism, or any other innumerable possibilities. Outages can last from a few minutes to a few days and even weeks. It is hard to imagine what life would be like should the power go out for […]

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9 Irrigation System Options for Effortless Watering on Your Garden

If you have been trudging around your homestead for any amount of time with a bucket or hosepipe, you would at some time have considered a better solution – something like an irrigation system. By first understanding the full gamut of irrigation systems, it will help you decide which is right for you and then […]

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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Tomato Fertilizer: How to Feed Your Plants for the Ultimate Harvest

You’re not a real gardener unless you’ve successfully grown tomatoes. That's how I suspect some green-thumbed folks feel. So if you've struggled to get your tomato plants to thrive, you may be wondering what you did wrong. While there are plenty of culprits for a lackluster tomato harvest, perfecting your tomato fertilizer routine is an […]

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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Growing Peaches: The Complete Guide to Plant, Care, and Harvest Peaches

Biting into a ripe peach is an experience. The bright sweetness of the flesh and the tangy skin are unbeatable, especially if you can find one fresh off the tree. That's why growing peaches is so rewarding. It's one of those fruits that the grocery store version can't replicate. Unfortunately, if you live in a […]

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3 Off-Grid Ways To Make Dandelion Wine (Yes, Wine)

Dandelion Wine You’ve heard the motivational phrase about making lemonade from lemons. Well, what about making wine out of weeds? Literally. The next time you see a fresh crop of dandelions spreading across your lawn, don’t think about how you are going to kill them. Instead, think about the great wine you are going to […]

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Broody Hens: Causes, Breeds, and How to Take Care of Them

Broody hens can be viewed as a burden or the greatest asset to your chicken flock, depending on your outlook and goals. A broody hen is a chicken that wants to sit and hatch a clutch of eggs. If you have no plans to grow your flock of chickens, broody hens mean a reduction of […]

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Friday, June 21, 2019

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Drip Irrigation

Rain rain go away, come on back some other day! What happens when the rain does go away, and your plants are suffering from lack of water? Some people turn on the sprinklers, but drip irrigation may be the best way to protect your plants from drought and keep them healthy. Irrigation is essential for […]

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Thursday, June 20, 2019

Are You and Your Family Really Ready For A Power Grid Failure?

Are we really ready for a power grid failure? The dangers to our aging, fragile electrical grid are numerous. Over the last few years, many of us have focused on the risk of an EMP, mostly fueled by North Korea’s nuclear and ICBM testing. But that may not be the biggest risk our power grid […]

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20 Types of Moss to Consider for Your Next Garden Project

I’ve always been fascinated by moss. The way it grows close to the ground and in clumps or mats is so unlike anything else. I’ve always felt drawn to gardens that utilize moss, and finding it growing wild feels like a treat. Mosses grow nearly anywhere, and there are so many different types of moss, […]

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How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Peas

Peas are a delicious and easy to grow food suitable for almost any garden or homestead. There are many types and varieties of peas that may fit in well with your garden plans. You can choose from dwarf or vining varieties, snow, sweet, or snap peas, edible or inedible pods, quick harvesting or longer, sweeter […]

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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Make All-Natural Homemade Products Using Coconut Oil.

Coconut Oil can be used to make all-natural homemade products for your everyday use. Coconut oil is labeled as a superfood, and for excellent reason. Considered the “tree of life” in much of India, the Philippines, Southeast Asia and other tropical locations, the coconut tree can now be found in more than 75 countries throughout […]

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37 Plastic Milk Jug Hacks You Can Try at Home

Do you have tons of used milk jugs hanging around your home? You don’t want to toss them because it seems wasteful, but you aren’t exactly sure what to do with them, right? It’s hard to get milk jugs out of our lives because most people drink some kind of milk. Unless you raise dairy […]

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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

6 Quick Steps To A Debt-Free Homesteading Budget

A homesteading budget can be difficult to manage Homesteading in this modern world comes with its own set of challenges — money management being one of them. Budgeting is a very important aspect of managing personal finances, regardless of lifestyle. For homesteaders it is especially important since the lifestyle is often more “risky” than a […]

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What Is Biennial Bearing and How Can You Prevent It?

Are your fruit trees throwing you through a loop? Are they producing a great harvest one year and hardly anything the next? I found myself in a similar predicament when I became the proud owner of a small orchard. I couldn’t figure out what was going on. To solve the mystery, I began doing my […]

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Monday, June 17, 2019

How to Extend Your Cool Season Crops and Spare Your Soil Despite the Heat

After our 19th consecutive day of over 85°F weather with only 1/10th an inch of rain in more than a month, it's starting to feel like the Sahara on our homestead. Oh, did I mention it's still spring? We technically live in “The South” as in the Southern United States, which is known for hot […]

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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Bt Corn – What it is, and Why Should You Care About it

Most of the corn grown in the United States is Bt corn, but what is it, and why should you care? In this post, we explain the basics of Bt corn and some pros and cons. What is Bt corn? Bt corn is corn that is genetically engineered to produce insecticidal proteins from the bacterium […]

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Friday, June 14, 2019

6 Power Grid Problems That Should Terrify You

Power grid problems The American culture survives on a lifeline of electrical wires. This power grid crisscrosses the country, bringing electricity to homes, offices, factories, warehouses, farms, traffic lights and even campgrounds. Pretty much everywhere you go, you can count on being able to plug in and have electricity to use. It’s a good thing […]

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Stuffed Up Already? Try This Summer Allergy Sinus Solution

Before you run to the pharmacy, try this safe and effective summer allergy sinus solution. With early summer allergies on the rise, lots of folks are looking for a summer allergy sinus solution to clear up the sinuses and get breathing again. So once you begin to notice mucus is starting to build up in […]

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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Five Reliable Guns You Might Consider During Trying Times

Having reliable guns to choose from is important when it comes to protecting your family. Let’s imagine for a moment that the world of tax-funded public safety and well-stocked grocery stores are a thing of the past. Then you, perhaps with a handful of family and friends, must fend for yourself in a tough and […]

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Growing Figs: A Complete Guide on How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Figs

Do you have a soft spot for figs, but you’re tired of paying high prices when purchasing them from your local supermarket? Instead of spending an arm and a leg on buying figs, consider growing your own. Figs are easy to plant, they grow well in almost any planting zone, and they require a minimal […]

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Roasted Red Pepper Strips in Olive Oil

Most people roast their red peppers whole in the oven or over a grill, and then leave them in a plastic bag to sweat before removing the skins. I have done my peppers a different way so at to: eliminate the use of plastic reduce the amount of electricity used in turning on a big […]

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Great Summertime “Off-The-Grid” Grass Clipping Uses

There are several grass clipping uses that actually improve your soil. People that have lawns both small and big can understand how much of a chore cutting the grass can be. But even worse – what do you do in all the grass clippings once you’ve finished mowing? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that […]

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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Attract Bees To Your Garden In These Eight Easy And Simple Ways

You can attract bees who will eagerly pollinate your plants and help create a beautiful and bountiful harvest. If you have ever had trouble growing certain vegetables like cucumbers in your garden, it may not be the soil that is the problem. It is more than likely that you don’t have a good way to […]

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5 Secrets To Jump Start Your Summer Garden

Photo credit: Bruce Mars Whether you are new to gardening, are moving into a new home, or are just getting ready for your annual summer garden, there are steps you should take now, to make sure you are prepared to plant soon. So, let’s take a look at a few things you need to make […]

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Busting the Myths About Using Eggshells in the Garden

I love eggs. I eat them often for breakfast and always have a carton of fresh farm eggs on hand. One day, I hope to have a few chickens and collect fresh eggs each morning, but until then, I’ll settle with my CSA eggs. Once I have my own supply, I've considered how I can […]

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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Growing Savory: The Complete Guide to Plant, Grow and Harvest Savory

Savory is an underappreciated herb. It has a wonderful peppery taste without being too spicy. The plant looks like a cross between rosemary and thyme, and it's the ultimate lure for bees, attracting them instantly with its aroma. I swear I can taste the spiciness in my honey. Whether you are growing savory for cooking […]

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How Taking One Family Camping Trip A Year Will Benefit Everyone.

Family Camping Can Be So Much Fun If you have never taken your kids on a family camping trip, it is time to reconsider. They joys of spending time together in nature with the ones you love are immeasurable. Family camping is a great time to reconnect with each other, especially in this age laden […]

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Monday, June 10, 2019

Homemade Mosquito Repellent Secrets

Homemade mosquito repellent produced with essential oils means safer summertime activities outdoors. I have always been a target for bugs. I can be with a group of people at an outdoor event and be the only one who goes home with mosquito bites. Whereas flies might just land on others around me, they bite me. […]

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4 Ways to Sterilize Jars

It’s an age-old debate, and likely one that you’ve found yourself engaged in with old fashioned canning enthusiasts and new-age canners alike from time to time. Do you need to sterilize your canning jars? The short answer…. most of the time. But if you’re unsure of whether you need to sterilize – or how, exactly, […]

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25 Flowering Bushes That Add Beauty to Your Garden

Flowering bushes are one of my favorite things about my garden because they add beauty to an area without needing too much maintenance. Aside from some occasional pruning throughout the year, flowering bushes are perfect for those who want low-maintenance landscaping with a lot of impact. My property has a variety of flowering bushes. Azaleas […]

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Sunday, June 9, 2019

Home Freeze Drying – Read this Before You Buy a Freeze Dryer

Thinking about getting a freeze dryer? We'll explain how home freeze drying works, and answer questions about freeze dried food storage for emergencies and more. Why get a freeze dryer? I've been curious about home freeze drying ever since I did an interview with Dr. Prepper back in 2015. The doc raved about his home […]

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Wild Lettuce – Sleep Aid and Pain Reliever – Weekly Weeder #24

Wild lettuce has a long history of use as a sleep aid and pain reliever. We'll cover how identify and use wild lettuce, potential side effects, and how to get rid of it if it's taking over your yard and garden. Today’s featured plant is Wild Lettuce, Lactuca virosa and Lactuca serriola. Wild Lettuce is […]

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Saturday, June 8, 2019

Natural Rabbit Repellents For Your Garden

Natural Rabbit Repellents For Your Garden I’m an avid gardener and prefer to do things the natural way. That being said, I spend a lot of time composting, planting heritage fruits and vegetables, and using natural ways to control insects. But while the bugs can be bad, rabbits can wipe out a garden overnight. So, […]

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Friday, June 7, 2019

How to Prevent and Get Rid of Corn Smut

If you have a backyard garden in one of the warmer growing zones, you’ve likely been left scratching your head a time or two over corn smut. This disease is a fascinating – albeit troublesome – beast, found typically in small, urban gardens instead of in large, commercial productions. This disease appears on the ears, […]

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4 Best Methods to Dry Basil and Preserve Your Harvest

Every herb gardener has struggled with a harvest that they don't know how to use up before it goes bad. Or perhaps you long for homegrown flavors in the middle of the winter. Either way, learning how to dry basil will let you extend your basil harvest. I think basil can be an acquired taste […]

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Walking Stick Uses – An Important And Versatile Survival Tool

Use A Walking Stick As A Survival Tool In all the lists I’ve seen for bug out equipment, I’ve never seen anyone talk about including a walking stick. I guess, since we’re all trying to save weight, adding a walking stick to your pack might seem like a frivolity. Yet adding a walking stick to […]

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Unlimited Cellular Data Plans – High Speed Internet Alternative

We've been looking for good high speed internet alternatives for years. A couple months ago, we came across pre-paid bundled cellular data plans. This is the best option for our rural location (so far), and is also popular with the RV crowd. We'll explain how bundled cellular data internet access works and some pros and […]

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The Root Cellar – Cheap Refrigeration

root cellars – a low cost option for keeping food cool The more time I spend as a prepper and survivalist, the more I find myself trying to integrate my survival plans into my daily life. This probably started out with keeping an EDC bag and first-aid kit in my car, something like 40 years […]

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Thursday, June 6, 2019

Tigernut Chocolate Chip Cookies – Grain Free, Nut Free, Paleo

These tigernut chocolate chip cookies are a uniquely delicious take on America's favorite homemade cookie. We first gave these a try for New Year's Eve, when we had friends with food allergies visiting. Since then we've made them a number of times using different sugars and different fats. The texture changes a bit, but all […]

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Clever Home Defense Tactics That Will Keep You Safe And Secure

Having a plan that includes clever home defense tactics will help ensure that you will be prepared in the event of a break-in. Many people own weapons for the purpose of protecting their home, but they may not know clever home defense tactics that will keep them safe. However, how many people actually have a […]

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The Good and The Bad About Using Urine as Garden Fertilizer

Gardeners have different opinion when it comes to using urine in the garden as fertilizer. It is a great nutrient source for plants, but it also has some risks. Not to mention some people are grossed out by urine. Before we begin, I should let you know that I'm a pro-pee and have been using […]

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5 Forgotten Things Grandma Did With Dandelions

Dandelions aren’t just weeds In today’s world, people want everything to be neat, tidy and uniform – including their yards. The grass, we’re told, should be one smooth, green carpet. But that’s easier said than done! Everyone knows that if you don’t pull them or spray them, “weeds” such as dandelions will be the first […]

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Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Here’s How To Prep For When Flood Waters Come

Rising flood waters make for one of the harder natural disasters to prep for. Flooding in Midwest farmlands has gotten out of hand, destroying hundreds of millions of dollars worth of farms, livestock and stored grain from last fall’s harvest; once again reminding us of the devastating power of water. While not totally unexpected, this […]

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5 Ways for Peeling Garlic

Peeling garlic can be a sticky, tedious task. The husks are often evasive and the more you handle garlic, the harder it is to work with. Once those garlic oils get between your fingers or under your fingernails it’s easy to feel defeated. But with a few simple tricks, you can take your garlic prep […]

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16 DIY Cold Frames to Extend Your Growing Season

Are you interested in year-round gardening? Would you like to be able to start your own seeds and have a designated place to harden them off? If you answered yes to either of these questions, it sounds as though you need a cold frame. You can purchase them already put together, or you can save […]

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Strawberries And Onions: The Gardening Odd Couple That Should Be Planted Together

Strawberries pair well with onions Early crops can be a much-appreciated moral boost. As far as these first-on-the-scene producers are concerned, few can compare with freshly ripe, home-grown strawberries. And while a perfectly manicured bed filled exclusively with eager little strawberry plants has a certain storybook appeal, you may be surprised to discover what many […]

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7 Common Bean Problems And How To Avoid Them

Common bean problems Nothing quite compares to the taste of fresh beans directly out of your own garden. Visually interesting, easy to grow and relatively low maintenance, it is no wonder that these are a gardening favorite. Beans are legumes – that is, plants which grow pods which contain a single row of seeds. It […]

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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Growing Feijoa: The Complete Guide to Plant, Grow and Harvest Feijoa

Feijoa are my favorite fruit. Luckily for me, the pretty shrubs are prolific, and the harvest can be used in so many ways. Growing feijoa is easy because the plants have few pests and aren't demanding. Even better, the slow-growing, mid-sized evergreen looks good in landscaping thanks to the pretty flowers. Never heard of feijoa? […]

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All-Natural Tricks To Rid Your Yard Of Insects

Summer insects are a nuisance The outdoors is a great place to be, but the enjoyment quickly can turn to annoyance when the bugs find you. Flies and mosquitoes not only deliver a painful bite but can also expose you to disease. You could douse yourself in a store-bought, Deet-based bug spray — or you […]

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Monday, June 3, 2019

Cool Weather Crops: The List, Growing Methods, and How to Preserve

At certain times of the year, we often suggest planting ‘cool weather crops.' But do you know which plants fall under the category of ‘cool weather?’ And if they do fall into this category, when is it cool enough to plant them but not too cool to where it’ll damage the plants? Where can these […]

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Coriander Pesto – No Cook Recipe

When you have grown a herb garden, you are naturally keen to use your produce to make those long lazy afternoons around a grazing table memorable and what better way to use up your homegrown coriander, mint and a lemon from the home orchard than for this recipe. We all know about pesto made with […]

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Sunday, June 2, 2019

13 DIY Options for a Drip Irrigation System to Save You Time and Money

Are you concerned about watering your garden this summer? It can be difficult to keep plants watered on hot days, and it’s even more of a concern when you’re planning on being out of town. Having a drip irrigation system can help keep your plants alive and thriving even when you aren’t around or aren’t […]

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Saturday, June 1, 2019

When to Harvest Potatoes to Get the Best Results

Ah, potatoes. The humblest of vegetables. I grow them every year even though I have a relatively small garden space. I find a way to make room for potatoes. My harvest is hit or miss, depending on the year, but it’s always lovely to see the plants grow. The foliage fills up the garden quickly, […]

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